National Coastwatch Flag Relay
A flag denoting all the 60 NCI stations in the country will travel around the country, due to arrive in Portscatho on 4th July.
This is our plan for the 4th and 5th of July. Come along and join us if you can. The outdoor events as always will be dictated by the weather and the tides.
The flag will arrive by sea from Nare Point (Helford) with an ETA Portscatho Harbour of 1500 hrs. This time has been chosen to ensure a good depth of water for the boats.
The following day, 5th of July, the flag will depart from Porthcurnick beach by tender to the Hardiesse (pictured below). She will then depart at 1130 for Charlestown Harbour where the flag will be handed over to the next NCI station at approximately 1700 hrs that same evening.
Events at Portscatho Harbour 4th July 1400 to 1600

Our main theme as ever will be safety on and in the water. We will hopefully be running a raffle with gifts donated by local businesses. There will be a general introduction from one of our team prior to the flag arriving and also a welcome by our Deputy Station Manager, Roger Sprigge, to the team arriving from Nare Point.
It would be lovely to see as many of you as possible on the day, especially the youngsters. It is also hoped the Du Hag Owr will join us with some sea shanties sung in their own inimitable style. We have also invited members of our local HM Coastguard Cliff Rescue Team to come along.
Between 1700-1800 that evening, there will be a presentation about the loss of the Hera by historian Kevin Patience in the Harbour Club Events Room. This is an informative telling of the loss of the Hera sailing vessel in early 1914, almost in front of our Lookout.
Later that same evening at 2000 there will be live music from Barfly in the Harbour Club. They are a popular duo at the Harbour Club and not to be missed.
Departure Events 5th July
At 1130 you can watch the departure of the Hardiesse, outbound to Charlestown from Porthcurnick Beach. Weather permitting, a small flotilla of vessels including Falmouth Lifeboat, rowers from Roseland and Gerrans Gig Clubs along with local boat Hera, will move towards Nare Head and Gull Rock to witness the laying of a wreath on the site of the original Hera shipwreck. Our Deputy Station Manager will lay the wreath and the whole event will be presided over by The Revd. Andy Earl from Truro Cathedral.
Hope to see you there. Have a chat; have fun.
Liam Mulvin.