The date for this year’s Roseland Festival have been confirmed. Dates will run from Saturday 21st September to Saturday 5th October.
This year’s very enthusiastic committee members have been working on all kinds of possible events, approaching choirs, bands, speakers, demonstrators and artists as well as venues. As a result a very exciting programme of events is developing for Roseland Festival 2013.
One interesting talk will be from 771 Squadron based at Culdrose. New Secretary, Josie Hopewell, told Roseland Online, “It will be a fantastic insight into the world of the guys who fly in helicopters dedicated to saving lives.”
On the music front there is a very varied programme including Cat Fish Keith and two nationally acclaimed Cornish groups as well as a folk singer from across the Tamar.
There is also a fresh new logo and the 2013 leaflet is also being redesigned and the website updated, which the committee hope will be much more user friendly.
If you would like to see events in advance of the crowd, then why not become a member or sponsor/advertiser. They are having a Launch Evening in July where sponsors and members will have the chance of a preview of events. For more information about membership and sponsorship please contact Steve Chapman on 01326 270717.
If anyone would like to help with stewarding events, the committee would be delighted to hear from you. Please phone Andy Thomas under 01872 580406.