Roseland Heart is a new campaign Roseland Online is running to aid loneliness in the elderly and help create lasting and worthwhile friendships in the community.
Having spent seven years befriending his ninety-year-old neighbour, Roseland Online editor Mark David Hatwood is a great advocate for the scheme.
Mark said, “I just popped in one day to help a neighbour overcome a small issue they had and, over the next seven years, my friendship with Bill became one of the closest I have ever had. I certainly got as much from my daily visits as Bill did… if not more!”

With loneliness becoming a ‘chronic’ problem in the UK, Roseland Heart is hoping to encourage locals throughout South Central Cornwall to call in on someone they suspect may need a little company from time-to-time. No matter if you can only spare 10 minutes a week, finding time for an elderly or needy person near you can have untold benefits.
Roseland Online reader, Sally Gammell, who runs her cottage industry ‘In-Safe-Hands’, said, “It is a joy to see how people blossom and their health improves, when they know they have a friend who will help them hang on to their independence or dignity.”
There are no hard-and-fast rules to this campaign. Drop in and introduce yourself to an elderly neighbour and let them know you’re there if they need your help; organise a regular event in your village, something the elderly would benefit from; help get word out about Roseland Heart in your community, which in turn might encourage others to engage with this campaign
All of the above and more would be welcome and we’re here to support you if you want any help, advice or want to brainstorm any ideas.
We’ll help advertise any Roseland Heart events, regular meetings and advice you’d like to share on the dedicated page and keep everyone in touch with your progress, successes and stories.
With Christmas and the cold weather before us, what better time to engage with someone in your community and reap the benefits of their wisdom and friendship, and we look forward to hearing from you if we can help in any way.
Give a little Roseland Heart to your community!