Roseland Online was born 10 years ago today. It has been quite a journey in that time, evolving from a website with just 6 pages and a few followers, to a 4000+ page community resource with feature writers, advice, info and business advertising enjoying our now around 3500 visitors a day!
During that time, not only have we engaged with the Roseland infrastructure agents – helping people like BTOpenreach take their initial promise of 80% reach for Superfast broadband up to a whopping 98% by the end of this summer – but we continue to do our best to boost opportunities for everyone here… which was, and remains our main remit.
The biggest surprise for me personally, though was when I went through the numbers. In the last 10 years, Roseland Online has raised over a whopping £66,000, most of which has gone back into the community, sponsoring youth, sports and social clubs as well as a multitude of charity events, whist also boosting the economy and creating awareness of what’s happening in our beautiful part of the world.
We’re always looking for ways to improve our service so if you have any needs, we’d be more than happy to chat to you about them. And although no one is paid
for their contributions to this non-profit community resource, we will always do our best to get back to you within 24 hours if not right away.
Here’s to the next decade and, from Peter, myself, and all our wonderful contributors; thanks so much for choosing Roseland Online!
Mark David Hatwood FRSA
Founder Editor