28.03.11: A Roseland resident has become the spokesperson for a national campaign. Jane Andain, whose daughter Thirza Whittall died in a tragic electrical accident three years ago today in Portscatho, has been asked to front a campaign by the Electrical Safety Council to bring awareness to people in rented accommodation as to what they should check for before taking out a lease.
The leaflets to accompany the campaign urge people to ask their landlord for:
·    An electrical report confirming that the electrical installation has been assessed and is safe to use (called a PIR – Periodic Inspection Report).
·        Certification confirming that any recent electrical work meets the UK national standard, BS 7671
The Electrical Safety Council recommend that these reports are carried out every five years, but Jane is hoping that in the future this will be mandatory for every rented accommodation, making sure that others don’t have to endure the loss she and her family had to. This campaign is supported by Jane’s son-in-law and Thirza’s husband, Fred Whittall, who organises a charity event in her honour each year at the Portscatho Harbour club to raise money for her favourite charities. (This year’s concert looks set for early November).
Fred told Roseland Online; “We would dearly like to see this become mandatory on all properties UK wide. In Cornwall there have many rented properties including holiday homes, so I feel this is an important safety requirement that should be made compulsory.”
Jane has been talking to reporters and TV crews from Cornwall today (and will be on the 1.30 and 6.30 news tomorrow) and is now back to London to promote the campaign through radio and newspaper this afternoon. She is being met by representatives from the ESC who will be taking her to the various studios, so we may even see her on some national shows in the next 24 hours.
Jane told us, “I’m used to speaking to groups of people in my day job, but as this campaign is much more personal, this is a different ballgame altogether, but one I feel passionate about.”