St Just in Roseland Parish Council Meeting, 7 September: Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of St Just in Roseland Parish Council held on Monday 7th September 2020. The virtual meeting commenced at 7.00pm.

Councillors Present: R Giles (Chairman), H. Aston, A. Chantrill, P Farmiloe, S Goldsmith, R. Hall, P. Salter, P Teague, K Warren and C Williams. Also present: H. Couch (Clerk), J.Masters (Assistant Clerk), Julian German CC and 6 members of the public

Cllr Giles welcomed everyone to the virtual meeting of St Just in Roseland Parish Council. 

  1. To accept apologies for absence – none.

1a. Councillor Vacancy. One application has been received. It was resolved by a show of hands that Kate Condon was co-opted as the new Councillor for the St Just in Roseland Ward.

  1. Declaration of Interest:
  2. a) Disclosable Pecuniary Interest – None declared
  3. b) Non-Registerable Interest – None declared
  4. c) Of gifts to the value of more than ÂŁ25 – None declared
  5. d) To consider requests for dispensation on items on the agenda – None declared
  1. Public Participation

There were six members of the public in attendance.

A resident explained the work that he had completed regarding the query over the use of the slipway at Carrick Pines and Curlews and his wish for the footpath to appear as a Public Right of Way on the Definitive Map.

A resident gave an account of his position regarding the slipway and offered to work with the Parish Council and compromise to give permitted limited access to certain locals. A copy of his notes would be forwarded to all Councillors.

A resident draw attention that a letter has been received from Cornwall Council stating that the slipway is not recorded as a public right of way on the definitive map. Concern was also raised regarding the double yellow parking request that was received last month at Buckeys Lane, it was felt that there are enough parking restrictions in the village.

A resident requested that the discussion on the tree preservation order for the Highways property could be delayed for one month to enable a new landscape plan to be submitted.

  1. Confirmation of the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 3rd August 2020.

The Council RESOLVED, by a show of hands by those who had attended the said meeting, that the minutes of the 3rd August 2020 meeting be approved. All in favour and they were duly signed by the Chairman. 

  1. Cornwall Councillor Report

Cllr Julian German updated that Cornwall is facing huge challenges with the current situation, including a 5.6 million shortfall at Newquay Airport and a 5 million loss of earnings for Leisure Centres. Meetings should continue to meet virtually is the continued guidance from government.

T87654E3WSQAere continues to be a business challenge for the tourism season and discussions are taking place regarding discretionary help.

There is a lot of work continuing in the parish as well as Countywide, always happy to take any questions at any time. 

  1. Clerks Report

The report was read out and will be sent out with the notes. 

  1. Reports from Councillors as representatives on other committees

Cllr Giles – Community Land Trust – an update was given about the possibility of future housing on the land adjacent to the Fire Station. The work on 14 affordable houses in Veryan continues. The work on Lowen Meadow continues and hopefully an open day will be organised shortly for interested persons.

Cllr Giles – Kennerly Terrace – The vacancy has been filled by a local resident who will be moving in shortly after work is completed.

Cllr Williams – St Mawes Recreational Ground – The first copy of the easement has been received and an amendment has been requested. There is a future tree planting day being planned. Graffiti has been found on the skateboard ramp which is disappointing. Concern was raised regarding the few children attending the preschool and the knock-on effect this could have on the local school.

Cllr Warren and Cllr Teague– St Just in Roseland Institute – Three regular bookings per week have now been taken and have resumed with the new guidelines in place. More bookings have been requested but currently trialling these to ensure everyone is happy and it is working successfully with the new cleaning regimes required.  

  1. Ratification of decisions

It was resolved to retrospectively approve the decisions made by the Clerk under the agreed delegated powers. All in favour, resolved by a show of hands.

Date of Decision Reference Number Decision Taken By Financial Value S137 – Yes or No Details
26.08.2020 STJ-023 Cllr Giles and Cllr Salter 50.00 No Cllr Teague requested a donation in memory of Marrilyn Morris – former Clerk of the Parish Council.

ÂŁ50.00 Donation given


STJP-019 PA20/05343 Tremoor, Hillhead, St Mawes Objection
STJP-020 PA20/05735 Apple Trees, St Just in Roseland No objection
STJP-021 PA20/04064 Trewollack, St Mawes Objection
  1. Correspondence – Noted
  1. Access to Beach from Slipway along Castle Drive

All Councillors were given an opportunity to give their views and opinions from the information received from both parties and previously in the public participation section which resulted in a good debate. A similarity was made with the application in St Just in Roseland that has been ongoing for 6 years and no sign of completion.

Standing Orders were suspended, following a show of hands by all Councillors to allow further questions to be answered.

The owner of Carrick Pines expressed how he envisaged the compromise could work, including permission agreements and he mentioned that he would be happy to go into a legal agreement which would guarantee access.

Standing Orders were re instated; allowing a further discussion to continue.

Cllr Warren proposed that this agenda item is brought back to a future Parish Council meeting; to enable a specific meeting with representatives from the Parish Council to meet with the two residents. Seconded by Cllr Chantrill. All agreed by a show of hands. Clerk to organise.

  1. Planning

The decisions of Planning Sub Committee for applications, Local Council Protocol Letters and decisions of Cornwall Council were noted.

Cllr Giles proposed that the Planning Sub Committee should start meeting virtually to show transparency, this will allow applicants and agents to attend to comment and answer any questions. Seconded Cllr Salter. All members of the Planning Sub Committee agreed by a show of hands.

  1. Accounts and Finance
  1. a) The Income and Expenditure for August was agreed. Proposed by Cllr Salter, seconded Cllr Chantrill. All in favour, by a show of hands.

Clerk reported the Opus energy charges.

  1. b) The car park monthly income for August was noted.
  2. c) It was noted that we are not entitled to any help from Cornwall Council under the Business Grant but Clerk has requested funding from the discretionary grant.

Cllr Hall and Clerk to meet to discuss the first six months figures.

  1. Tree Preservation Order

It was agreed that this request to be put on hold until the new landscape scheme has been submitted and it will be reviewed at a future meeting.

  1. Fal River Links Board

After a discussion it was agreed to decline the offer but thank the company. 

  1. Recycling Banks

Confirmation has been received that the banks will be removed between 7th – 21st September. A further debate took place about the removal of the banks and business waste. The signs that mention recycling will be removed or blanked out and the site will be monitored for 6 weeks after the removal date by Cornwall Council. Cllr German will follow up any queries of businesses not having the correct waste licence.

  1. Any other business that the Chairman considers to be of urgency

Cllr Williams discussed issues with parking on Tredenham Road and Lower Castle Road, Clerk agreed to contact Cornwall Council to arrange some late visits.

Cllr Farmiloe reported that South West Water are continuing to work on the leak by the Castle and she will continue to chase.

Members of the public left the meeting as confidential matters were to be discussed. 

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.10 pm  


Signed as a true record……………………………………..Chairman Cllr. R Giles 

Dated ……………………….

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