Residents in the parish of St Just in Roseland have recently received a housing need survey form. The Parish Council is asking people to complete and return the form as their responses are vital in developing a full picture of local housing needs now and in the future. Cornwall Council’s Homechoice Housing Register gives the numbers of people who have registered with the council for social housing or “affordable” homes (to buy or part buy), but this is only part of the picture as it is a snapshot of current needs. The Parish Council is trying to find out the true need for affordable housing now and over the next five years. There is a section on the form for young people who would like to stay in the parish and who will need a home in the near future. Forms can also be sent to people who have left the parish and would like to return.
It is recognised that initially many may see the survey as irrelevant to them, particularly those who are in a position to purchase local property in the open market. However there is a section of the form that asks for everyone’s view on the type of housing development they would support, and to comment on local housing need. Please can everyone “COMPLETE AND RETURN THE FORM”, the more forms returned the better understanding of the local need and local opinions.
At a public meeting, held in June to explain the need for the survey and run through the form, the affordability of the “affordable” homes was questioned. Prices and rent are linked to local market house price, this is a difficult problem across Cornwall and more so in areas such as St Just in Roseland parish. This key issue and others that arise from the survey will need to be addressed in any development proposal. The results of the survey should be available in September when a public meeting will be held. With any development taking many years to be delivered it can only be positive that local need and opinions are part of the process. Also if from the outset local people are involved in the process they are in a much better position to influence any outcome.
Cllr. Keith Warren said, “The Housing Need Survey and the Parish Plan are only valuable if they reflect local opinions and are supported by the local community. The Parish Council can initiate these things but the delivery and content of the final documents are better and carry more weight if done by the community”
Please remember to return the survey forms by 23rd July to St Mawes Post Office, the Roseland Visitor Centre or the letter box at St Just Institute. If you are interested in being a part of the review of the Parish Plan please contact the Parish Clerk. Look out for more publicity on this topic over the coming months. If you would like more information, please call the Parish Clerk’s office on 01326 270799.