Minutes of the Meeting of St Just in Roseland Parish Council held in Millennium Rooms, St Mawes on Monday 7th January 2013. The meeting commenced at 7pm.
Draft subject to confirmation
Councillors Present:
The Chairman Cllr. K. Warren, Cllrs. R. G. Baylis, J. Benney, A.M. Chart, B. Chenoweth, G. Chenoweth, Â Â Â Â Â Â Â R.E. Giles, Â P. Farmiloe, P.J. Salter, P Teague and C. Williams
Also Present:
S. Penhaligon (Clerk), T van der Wolde (Assistant Clerk), Cornwall Cllr. J. German, and two members of the public.
1. To accept apologies for absence – none
2. Declaration of Interest:
a) Disclosable Pecuniary Interest– none
b) Non-Registerable Interest
Cllrs. J. Benney and G. Chenoweth declared a non-registerable in item 11b PA12/11593 if it is being discussed.
c) Of gifts to the value of more than £25 – none
d) To consider requests for dispensation on items on the agenda – none
3. Open Period – Public Participation – no comments.
4. Confirmation of the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 3rd December 2012
The Council RESOLVED, by a show of hands, that the previously circulated minutes be approved and they were duly signed by the Chairman.
5. Matters arising from the Minutes not on the Agenda – No matters were reported.
6. Report from the Clerk
- The Clerk reported that there was positive feedback from the event Carols in the Castle which was well attended despite the appalling weather.
- There is to be a meeting to discuss the Roseland Triathlon on 29th January at Portscatho Memorial Hall commencing at 7pm. The date of the triathlon will be Sunday 7th July 2013.
- Chandelle Randall from Cornwall Council has organised a Flood Surgery with multi-agencies to advise residents of the Roseland that have been affected by floods, to be held in the Millennium Rooms on Wednesday 23rd January from 4-6pm.
- The Clerk was notified that Chris Chilcott is carrying out work for the landowner on the hedge between St Just village and Trethewell on Tuesday 8th January to prevent further slippage on to the highway which was due to recent heavy rain and floods.
- Western Power is meeting the Clerk on Thursday 10th at 4pm to discuss a new supply to the Idle Rocks Hotel from the Sub Station in Bohella Road and through the car park.
- CORMAC has jetted out the culvert at Bar Hill, St Just, following a complaint from a resident.
- A report was received that visitors saying in the Hillhead area left black bags out on Friday which were slit open by Sunday morning which Mrs Diane Mackie spent many hours cleaning it up. The Clerk will request that letting agencies ensure that all properties have bins, and will thank Mrs Diane Mackie on behalf of the Parish Council.
- South West Water sent an engineer to clear up the sewage spillage outside the Watch House on 31st December; which was due to the pumping mechanisms failing.
7. Report from Devon and Cornwall Constabulary
There were 10 crimes reported crimes last month. 3 offences of assault have been recorded, a vehicle in Percuil View was damaged in attempt to gain entry, there was a burglary in Lower Castle Road, an animal deterrent stolen from Freshwater Lane, a laser sailing boat was stolen, DL Marine was subject to a large quantity of marine related theft totalling 29,000. Cllr. B Chenoweth is working with PCSO Jim Eagles from the Police and St Mawes Sailing Club to establish a scheme to reduce crime relating to marine equipment, as organised crime in this area is on the increase and St Mawes has been heavily targeted in recent months.
8. Report from Cornwall Cllr. German – Cllr. German spoke about the recent Neighbourhood Development Plan meeting that was held in Veryan on 11th December. A steering group was formed and they have put together a survey for residents in the Roseland to establish local priorities and common themes across the five Parishes. Terms of reference for the Steering Group needs to be agreed, therefore Cllr. German will be arranging a cluster meeting for the Parish Councils within the Roseland.
Cllr. German was pleased with the response from Cornwall Council to the numerous Highway works within the Parish recently. Cllr. Teague asked Cllr. German if the pipe in the Culvert on Bar Hill. St Just in Roseland will be replaced in April with funding from the Cornwall Council new budget, Cllr. German confirmed the pipe would be replaced. Between now and April Cornwall Council will jet the pipe when needed because of the ice risk.
9. Report from Councillors as representatives of other Committees
Community Land Trust – Cllr. Giles reported that the CLT have just held its Annual General Meeting, and all the officers were re-elected. He advised that the Self Build project in St Just in Roseland should be finished by Easter.
The Assistant Clerk referred to a recent presentation given by the Assistant Head of Planning from Cornwall Council, where he mentioned that the Government are putting large amounts of funding towards Community Land Trusts, and this might be worth exploring as a means of delivering affordable housing within the Parish. Cornwall Cllr. German informed that Cornwall Council also have funding available for Community Land Trusts. The Assistant Clerk will gather further information to present to the Parish Council.
St Mawes Allotment Committee – Cllr. Salter confirmed that the site will ready for use on the 19th January for plot holders.
The Chairman consulted with Councillors to allow standing orders to be suspended in order to bring forward item 12.
12. Proposed Development in St Just in Roseland
Cllr. Warren discussed the recent public consultation event held at St Just Institute on 19th December. The Parish Council were disappointed at the way the event was handled and asked the Clerk to feed back areas of concern to CSA Architects as there is another public event planned for the 13th February. Â Cllr. Giles questioned whether the development should go ahead based on the planning issues that have been raised such as the Klargester system, the new road junction with regard to safety and visibility, pedestrian access along the main road, flooding problems in the immediate area and the sustainability of the site as there are no local services. Cllr. Warren would like CSA Architects to provide further documentation to demonstrate that the planning issues can be resolved with clear supportive evidence from professional departments within Cornwall Council. Due to the recent Homechoice consultation and proposed changes to how affordable homes are to be allocated, what also needs to be determined is the current level of housing need for the St Just area, what the levels of rent will be for the affordable homes, what the S106 criteria for allocation will be, and what housing association will be involved. Cllr. B Chenoweth proposed that the Parish Council write to CSA Architects to say that the Parish Council does not support this proposal at present, and that further detail and evidence is needed to inform its decision regarding the proposal. The letter is to list the information that is needed and also to suggest improvements to the second consultation event. Seconded by G Chenoweth. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.
10/1. Accounts and Finance
a) To approve the payments of accounts (Appendix 1)
The Council were asked to approve the following payments:
Total cheques numbered 5907 to 5923 for approval and signature at the meeting                     £5,347.96
Total cheques numbered 5899 to 5906 + 5912 paid since last meeting for ratification             £4,120.79
Direct Debits/ Standing Orders shown as paid in December                                                     £1,858.39
Income shown as received during December                                                                            £2,625.22
Approval of the payments of accounts proposed by Cllr. Chart seconded by Cllr. Giles. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.
b) To consider the quotations for repainting the heritage finger posts in the Parish following receipt of the project grant
The Clerk has sent out four requests for quotations, but only one quotation has been received. It is a statutory requirement to receive three quotes; therefore Cllr. German will ask Veryan and Gerrans Parish Council if they can recommend anyone for the works.
c) To consider a donation (LGA 1972 s145) to St Anthony’s Noyse for accompanying the Carols in the Castle on 22nd December 2012.
Cllr. Giles proposed that the Parish Council donate ÂŁ150.00 to St Anthony Noyse, seconded by Cllr. G Chenoweth. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.
d) To note the collection at Carols in the Castle in aid of St Mawes Parents Teachers Association
It was noted that the collection of ÂŁ240.00 was given directly to St Mawes PTA.
e) To consider options for a new finance software package
The Clerk spoke with Graham of Softcell, Newquay on 5th January. He will investigate some packages and will contact the Clerks office within a week.
10/2. Finance Committee Meeting
To further consider the Precept for 2013/14.
Cllr. Baylis proposed that the Parish Council keep the precept the same as last year at ÂŁ20,000. Seconded by Cllr. Salter. 9 in favour. Cllr. Williams against. RESOLVED by the Council.
11.      Planning
Planning – notes for the Parish Council meeting on the 7th January 2013
a) To consider the meetings of the Planning Committee  – no meetings were held between 4th December 2012 and 6th January 2013
Cllr. Giles chairman of the Planning Committee requested a Planning Committee meeting to be held on Wednesday 16th January at 6pm at the Millennium Rooms, St Mawes. This will be to discuss the planning application for Bar Point, St Just in Roseland, the pre-application for Bohella House, St Mawes, and to consider any matters relating to the proposed development at St Just in Roseland.
b)Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â The Council considered the following planning applications:
43. Â Â Â Â Â PA12/11505 Bar Point, St Just in Roseland. Extensions (including dormer extensions) and alterations to dwelling. Reviewed by Cllrs. Teague, Warren and G. Chenoweth. One objection, which is the Balcony on West elevation will be seen by boat users in the creek, and other river users, this is an AONB and Heritage Coast, and is out of keeping with general setting.
Other comments – The flat roof dormer extensions on the NW and S elevations are box like and could be more subordinate to the existing profile of the roof and the new dormer extensions do not align so attention is drawn to the extensions on their bulkiness.
– the flat roof to the dormer windows make them very noticeable and not in keeping with the rest of the art and craft style of the property.
44.      PA12/11521 Boswedden, Penruan Lane, St Mawes. Proposed changes to first floor dormer windows and provision of a shower room to the existing playroom. Reviewed by Cllrs. Farmiloe, Giles and Salter. No objections.
45. Â Â Â Â Â PA12/11593 7 Pen Brea Close, St Mawes. Erection of front and rear extensions and garage. Reviewed by Cllrs. Chart, Giles and Salter. No objections.
46.      PA12/11109 Freshwater Boatyard, Freshwater Lane, St Mawes. Extension to balcony. Reviewed by Cllrs. Farmiloe, Giles and Salter. No objections.
42. Â Â Â Â Â PA12/10534 The Millennium Rooms, The Square, St Mawes. Replace up and over door with glazed window and door similar to the visitor centre entrance. For information only as Parish Council are the applicants.
Pre- planning applications
Steve Munday sent a pre-application for Upper Bohella, St Mawes for a proposed loft conversion and extension. Reviewed by Cllrs. Chart, Benney, Giles.
c)        To note the decisions of the Planning Authority –
PA12/09045 Wild Willow Cottage, Upper Castle Rd, St Mawes. Proposed demolition of existing residential store/workshop and construction of detached annex accommodation. Approved.
PA12/09877 Hotel Tresanton, 27 Lower Castle Rd, St Mawes. Proposed single storey bathroom and linen room extensions to Upper Tresanton accommodation block and internal alterations to room layouts. Approved.
PA12/09880 St Mawes AFC, Upper Castle Rd, St Mawes. Proposed change of use of agricultural field adjoining existing football ground to sports recreation land. Approved.
PA12/10212 Windrush, St Austell Row, St Mawes. Alterations and extension to the existing house and demolition and reconstruction of the existing detached residential annexe. Approved.
PA12/ 10557 Flat 2, Bessborough House, 34 Lower Castle Rd, St Mawes. Replace existing metal railings of balcony with glass and hardwood railings. Approved.
PA12/11977 Land off Upper Castle Rd, St Mawes. Prior notification of agricultural development – to provide access to new allotments and fields. Prior approval not required.
d)Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Enforcements
Ongoing – EN 12/01482 16 Polvarth Estate. Alleged non-compliance with approved plans. PA11/06649. No timber cladding to the exterior. Pending consideration.
e) Â Â Â Â Â Â Â To note planning correspondence sent/received
11th Dec – DCLG sent an email clarifying that Parish Councils are responsible for the costs involved in preparing a neighbourhood plan, and that it is for them to decide whether to produce a more ambitious/complex plan or a straightforward plan. Local Authorities have a duty to support the process but are not legally obliged to assist with the costs of the plan, apart from funding the referendum and the independent examination.
14th Dec – Lindsey Mayes from Cornwall Council Planning sent an email to say the planning application fee of ÂŁ85.00 that the Parish Council paid, was a 50{c8c3b3d140ed11cb7662417ff7b2dc686ffa9c2daf0848ac14f76e68f36d0c20} reduction of the full fee of ÂŁ170.00. She confirmed that pre-application submissions are free for Parish Councils if they benefit the community, and that Parish Councils as applicants of a planning application are entitled to a 50{c8c3b3d140ed11cb7662417ff7b2dc686ffa9c2daf0848ac14f76e68f36d0c20} reduction on planning application fees.
20th Dec – email received from Cornwall Council regarding various consultation exercises, one of which was consultation on the new Cornwall Design Guide. The Assistant Clerk raised issues regarding the Design Guide. It was agreed that the Clerks office will respond to the consultation. Concerns were expressed at the lack of time allowed to respond to the consultation exercises.
f) To further consider the next step with Neighbourhood Planning
A survey has gone out to residents in the Roseland to gather local opinion on what they would like the Neighbourhood Plan to contain. Cornwall Cllr. German will organise a cluster meeting for the Parish Councils in the Roseland, so that they can agree on the role they will have in supporting the process, and also to agree the terms of reference for the Steering Group that will lead on progressing the plan forward.
17th Dec – Email received from Feock Parish Council, with an attached a list that they produced detailing objectives and key issues to address for a Neighbourhood Plan, they sent it to aid with our own planning preparation. It was forwarded to Cornwall Cllr. German to pass onto the steering group who may be working on something similar.
20th Dec – DCLG sent a further email answering questions regarding Neighbourhood Planning costs, and they confirmed that the Government propose a funding grant that will go direct to Parish Councils (up to £7,000 per area.) to start 2013/14.
27th Dec – Email from Cornwall Cllr. German regarding the Roseland Neighbourhood Plan. A survey was attached for information that is intended to be sent to residents in the Roseland to raise awareness and gather information to feed into the Neighbourhood Plan.
13. Millennium Rooms Management Committee
To consider matters arising from the MRMC
A request was received from G. Bolton from the Superfast Cornwall Volunteer Network for support for the proposed Internet Training courses hoping to be held in the Millennium Rooms. A potential problem is overload of the current broadband bandwidth. Â The matter will be investigated by the MRMC.
Cllr. Williams had nothing to report as there had not been an MRMC meeting.
14. Car Park
a) To consider monthly income
Pay &             Pay & Display            Permits Permits Total
Monthly          Cumulative                 Monthly          Cumulative     Cumulative
Dec 11 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 2,345.95Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 142,325.20Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 0.00Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 12,943.70Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 155,268.90
Dec 12 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 1,734.20Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 139,484.60Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 0.00Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 13,334.10Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 152,818.80
December 2011 comparable with December 2012
Up                                                                                                   390.40
Down             -611.65                      -2840.60                                                                   -2450.20
b) To note the Off Street Parking Order (Amendment 3) 2012 for St Mawes Car Park
Cllr. Baylis confirmed that the advert has gone into the newspaper for consultation, the public have until the 11th January to raise any objections to the changes in the tariff.
15. Standing Orders
To consider amendments to the Standing Orders adopted on 9th May
The Clerk asked if this item could be deferred to the next meeting to allow clarification of some matters. The Council RESOLVED to allow the item to be deferred to the next Parish Meeting.
16. Public Toilets
To further consider the future financing of St Just Church Public Conveniences
Further clarification is needed from Cornwall Council concerning its responsibilities regarding the proposed withdrawal of funding of St Just Church Public Conveniences. Cllr. German agreed to investigate the issue.
17. Public Footpath around the Football Field
To further consider making a safe public footpath around the Football Field in Upper Castle Road
Cllr. Giles confirmed that St Mawes Amateur Football Club has obtained planning permission for the field next to the Football Field, and that the club is waiting for a decision from the National Trust on future usage of the field.
18. Correspondence (information only)
19. Staffing Matters
To consider the report and recommendation from the Personnel Committee Nothing to report.
20. Agenda items for the next Parish Council meeting
Lighting in the area in front of Harbour View, St Just in Roseland
Zebra Crossing in The Square, St Just in Roseland
21. Date of next meeting The next Parish Council meeting will be held in the Parish Millennium Rooms on Monday 4th February 2013 commencing at 7pm.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.25 pm
Signed as a true record………………………………………..Chairman