A patch of land which was locked in a dispute over responsibility for its upkeep will be taken back by the community on Sunday 6th July.
Roseland Online editor, Mark David Hatwood, who was involved in the initial discussions about the ‘open space (106) back in December 2010 decided enough was enough and something had to be done to unlock this dispute.

This dispute between Enys Estate, Devon and Cornwall Housing (DCHA) and Cornwall Council has been stalled as neither the landowner (Enys) nor DCHA can agree who is legally responsible for the land. So Gerrans Parish Council agreed to take back the area – formerly called Jollity Farm. They simply asked for it to be put in order and given a small grant for its upkeep, but neither parties would come to a resolution and Cornwall Council, despite many letters from the council, have consistently failed to invoke the 106 agreement.

Mark told Roseland Online, “Enough is enough. The community deserve better than two parties in a deadlock over this community space, so I decided to create a ‘Take Back Jollity Farm’ date. On 6th July at 12 midday, we will simply take it back and let the powers that be decide on what they choose to do about it.”
A Facebook page was created to publicise the event and in the first 24 hours 8 people have signed up to turn up with strimmers and hedge cutting equipment to start levelling the area.
Mark organised for local vintage tractor restorer, Johan Balslev, to go in yesterday (the day of the ‘Take Back Jollity Farm’) and do a first ‘topping’ of the land, which has made a huge difference.
Local baker, Maggie Glass, has offered to bring down cakes for the workers and anyone wanting to offer any help, support or refreshment can contact Mark on mark@roselandonline.co.uk.

Mark added, “This will be a great day for the community to enjoy getting together and sending bureaucracy a message. And I’m delighted that the future of ‘Jollity’ will now be a viable option instead of an eyesore.”
Once the restoration is complete, Deborah Heslip and Leanne Clarke are setting up an action group to decide on how the community want the land to be used. To get involved in this action group, you can contact Deborah on 01872 580502.