Three Charity Events for Two of our Groups and Societies

Three charity events for two of our local “Groups and Society” participants are to be held over the Easter period. (Click on the underlined links to read more about each one)

The CHSW Precious Lives is on Friday 8th April and includes a Coffee Morning and Book Sale at The View Cafe (Ship and Castle), St Mawes from 9.30-12.00 mid-day. This is the first fundraiser for the Roseland group of Friends of CHSW and a chance to be one of the first people to try the dramatically refurbished Cafe. Coffee, Tea and Cakes are being provided by the Hotel for people to purchase and all proceeds will go to the Precious Lives appeal (ÂŁ600,000 needs to be raised by December 2011 when the Hospice in St Austell is scheduled to open).

Roseland Artist, Lynn Golden, is holding a Special Preview Evening – by Invitation only – to celebrate her exhibition at the St Mawes Millennium Rooms. Lynn has very generously agreed to host an evening on Wednesday 20th April from 6.00p.m -8.00p.m, enabling people to be first to view her works at this exhibition. Tickets cost just ÂŁ5 and are available by phoning either Lynn on 01326 270596 or Steve Chapman on 01326 270717/270126. And all proceeds go towards the Precious Lives Appeal. A Glass of Wine and Nibbles are included in the ticket price and Lynn’s Exhibition continues from Thursday 21st to 27th April from 10.00 – 6.00. (Please note there is no charge for admission on the normal exhibition dates).

The National Garden Scheme Open Day on Sunday 17th April is from 2.00 – 5.30p.m at

Creek Lodge, St Just in Roseland TR2 5JD. New for 2011, this small garden is situated just above St Just Creek with wonderful views across water. The garden includes varieties of shrubs with many Camellias and flowering bulbs. Beautiful St Just in Roseland Church gardens is just 5 minutes walk away offering array of colourful shrubs and sub-tropical plants. Admission ÂŁ3.50 Children Free. The proceeds go towards the National Gardens Scheme Gardens Open for Charity. Homemade Cakes, Teas and Coffee will be available and all proceeds from the Refreshments only will be donated to the St Just Church Roof Appeal

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