Treloan Campsite Easter Fete Announced

10.03.11: The popular Easter fete at Treloan Campsite, ‘Arthur’s field’, will be held again this year on 23rd April. Like last year’s event for Shelterbox, this event is to raise money for local charities including Truro Foodbank. Held in Treloan’s Marquee, there will be stalls, a craft fair, books, bric-a-brac, a tombola, a children’s tombola, cake stall, Fair trade goods stall, a Raffle and refreshments. Lunches will be served from 11.30am to 1.00pm then Cream teas from 1.00pm to 2.30pm.

If you have any donations for the raffle, tombola, bric-a-brac, cake stall, and children’s tombola – ‘Sweets and Easter Eggs’ are a good example of this – they would be gratefully received. You can drop them off at Treloan Campsite or give Debs a ring to collect on 01872 580989. You can email her with your enquiries here:

Come rain or shine, this event will be fun and they hope to top the huge sum of ÂŁ2000 they raised for Shelterbox last year.

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