The Roseland’s new weekly food waste and fortnightly recycling and rubbish collections start this month.
There are drop-in ‘waste roadshows’ in Tregony at the Village Hall on 17 March at 10am to midday and at St Mawes Memorial Hall on the 26 March at 10am to 1pm. If you aren’t able to get to the ‘roadshows’ you can find all the information you need on the Cornwall Council website

Your new rubbish and food waste containers should have arrived. You should now be in possession of a 180 litre wheelie or a reusable sack for rubbish along with an outdoor collection caddy for food waste and an indoor kitchen caddy for food waste. Recycling of cardboard, glass, polastics, cans, paper and textiles are using the same coloured bags and black box as before.
If they haven’t arrived or need more they can be ordered via www.cornwall.gov.uk/recycling
Food waste will be weekly with rubbish and recyling alternating fortnightly.
Waste and recycling collection routes and days may change so do read the leaflet you should have received or check on the council website.