What a wet and windy April it was! Storm after storm. Let’s hope better weather is on the way. Here’s a summary of what April had to offer from the Kernow Weather Team.
April was a disappointing month weather wise, especially for temperatures, these were below average with highs of 13°C during the day and -2°C at night.
Storm after storm
The first half of April was dominated by low pressures and two named storms. Storm Kathleen which was named by Met Eirrene, followed by Storm Pierrick which was named by the French weather service.
Storm Perrick affected us more, with 69mph gusts of wind recorded at Gwennap Head NCI. It was a continuous succession of Met office weather warnings for rain and wind, including our own, along with spring tides bringing flooding.
The end of the month brought some dry weather
Spring northerlies became a pest, even when high pressure began to build finally during the second half of the month. The northerly airflow kept us switching the heating on, and finding a blanket to warm us up.
When finally the sun came out, it lasted at least a week. High pressure took over for a while with air pressure reading up to 10:31mb we were all glad of some dry weather at last. It was chilly, but at least it got people outside. Then the final weekend of April, along comes low pressure. To top it off, there were 3 waterspouts reported, 2 off Tintagel 1 in St Ives Bay. Now let’s take a breath before May arrives.