St Just in Roseland Agenda – April 2016



V.A.T. No. 527 0370 65


The Millennium Rooms, The Square, St Mawes, Truro TR2 5AG   telephone: 01326 270799




29th March 2016


To all Members of the Council


Dear Sir or Madam,


I hereby give you notice that the MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL of the above Parish will be held at The Parish Millennium Rooms, St Mawes on Monday, 4th April 2016 commencing at 7pm


All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted as set out hereunder.


Residents of the Parish are invited to attend and listen to proceedings.


Yours faithfully


Shirley Penhaligon – Clerk to the Council


  1. To accept apologies for absence


  1. Declaration of Interest
  2. a) Disclosable Pecuniary Interest
  3. b) Non-registerable Interest
  4. c) Of gifts to the value of more than £25
  5. d) To consider the requests for dispensations on items on the agenda


  1. Public Participation

Members of the public may address Councillors on any item on the agenda for a maximum of 15 minutes and for no longer than 3 minutes per person.


  1. To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday 7th March 2016


  1. Matters arising from the minutes not on the Agenda – for report only
  2. a) Improvements to signage and traffic control measures in St Mawes, Street Trading and outstanding Highway issues


  1. Report from the Clerk

7.         Report from Devon and Cornwall Constabulary

  1. Report from Cornwall Councillor
  2. Report from Councillors as representatives of other Committees



AGENDA ITEMS – for discussion/decisions


10a.     Car Park (Appendix 2)

To consider the monthly income for March


10b.     Car Park Committee

To consider a report and recommendations from the Car Park Committee meeting held on 29th March 2016

  1. i) The Service Level Agreement for Civil Enforcement Service 2016/17
  2. ii) The costs and viability of installing a credit card system to the lower pay and display machine


  1. St Mawes Public Conveniences takeover
  2. a) To consider the Tenancy at Will
  3. b) To consider the Legal transfer of the property
  4. c) To consider the agreed works to be undertaken by Cornwall Council


12a.     Accounts and Finance (Appendix 1)

  1. i) To consider the Income and Expenditure for March and approve the payments of accounts
  2. ii) To note the Notice of the Annual Audit dates for year end 31st March 2016


12b.     Finance Committee

  1. To consider a report and recommendations from the Finance Committee meeting held on 22nd February and 29th March 2016


  1. i) St Mawes Public Conveniences
  2. a) To further consider the costs of the takeover of St Mawes Public Conveniences
  3. b) To consider the costs to be incurred to the Parish Council by the takeover
  4. c) To further consider bidding for a grant from Cornwall Council Local Devolution Fund


  1. ii) Forecasts for 2016/17 and Three Year Budget


iii)        Financial Risk Assessment for the year ended 31st March 2016


  1. iv) To consider the appointment of the Internal Auditor for the year ended 31st March 2016


  1. To consider the recommendations from the Car Committee
  2. a) To consider and approve the Service Level Agreement for Civil Enforcement Service 2016/17
  3. b) To consider and approve the costs and viability of installing a credit card system to the lower pay and display machine


13a.     Planning

  1. i) To consider matters arising from the Planning Committee meeting held on 31st March 2016
  2. ii) To consider Planning Applications received from Cornwall Council

iii)        To note the decisions of the Planning Authority

  1. iv) To note the update on PA15/08711, Lowen Meadow, St Mawes the Certificate of Lawfulness
  2. v) To note the suggested alternative sites for the landing and taking off of helicopters
  3. vi) To note Enforcements

vii)       To consider planning correspondence


13b.     Roseland Plan

To further consider the Roseland Plan Wild Flower Project


13c.     Affordable Housing

To consider updates on Affordable Housing matters


  1. Millennium Rooms Management Committee & Roseland Visitor Centre Committee

To consider a report


  1. Parish Council Website

To further consider the proposals for the Parish Council Website


  1. Cleansing of the Parish
  2. a) To consider the next step on the Cornwall Council’s Waste Reduction Incentive Scheme
  3. b) To consider additional clearance of weeds in the parish as a ‘Clean for the Queen’ event


  1. HRH Queen Elizabeth II 90th Birthday Celebration

To consider a celebration to incorporate the unveiling of the Diamond Jubilee plaque


  1. On-street parking enforcement
  2. a) To consider changing the date of the introduction of the on-street parking restrictions to include Easter
  3. b) To reconsider the on-street parking restrictions to provide a passing space in Marine Parade


  1. Survey of the benches in the parish

To consider undertaking a survey of the benches


  1. St Just in Roseland Playing Field
  2. a) To consider the completion of the new equipment by Cormac
  3. b) To consider the replacement of the gates to the Playing Field


  1. 21. Correspondence (information only)


  1. Staffing Matters
  2. a) To receive a report from the Personnel Committee
  3. b) To further consider the Staffing Finance Structure
  4. c) To receive a report on the Car Park Manager vacancy


  1. Agenda items for the next Parish Council meeting


  1. Date of next meeting




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