Roseland taxi driver, Anthony Charles Herrick, who pleaded guilty to charges of using an unlicensed car as a private hire vehicle has been disqualified from driving for six months and ordered to pay £2,000 prosecution costs.
Herrick, 72, of St Just in Roseland, admitted using an unlicensed car as a private hire vehicle, not holding the required private hire driver licence and operator licence and no insurance, at Truro magistrates. The court heard that Mr Herrick had been previously convicted of similar licensing offences two years ago and was subsequently refused the requisite licences.
In November 2017, Herrick’s vehicle was booked by two licensing enforcement officers who took a journey from Portscatho and were stopped by a marked police vehicle outside the village. It there transpired that the driver was Mr Herrick and that the vehicle was unlicensed and not insured for the carriage of passengers for hire and reward.
Magistrates warned Herrick that should he continue to drive whilst disqualified or operate illegally without the necessary insurance cover, he was liable to face a prison sentence.
Following the hearing Cornwall Council’s senior licensing compliance officer Mr Bob Mears said: “What many people do not realise is that due to Herrick’s illegal activity, a number of licensed and legitimate operators on the Roseland have suffered financially because of his complete disregard for the law. I am pleased with the outcome of this investigation and I hope that he now takes heed of the consequences of his actions.”
Herrick was also fined £250 and ordered to pay £30 victim surcharge.