Minutes of the Meeting of St Just in Roseland Parish Council held in the Memorial Hall,
St Mawes on Monday 6th August 2018. The meeting commenced at 7.00pm.
Councillors Present: B Sadler (Chairman), R. Giles A. Chantrill, P. Farmiloe, S Goldsmith, R. Hall, P. Salter, P. Teague, C. Thornton-Parr, and K. Warren.
Also present: H. Couch (Clerk), S Thompson-Chenoweth (Assistant Clerk), Julian German CC and 2 members of the public
- To accept apologies for absence – Cllr. Williams
- Declaration of Interest:
- a) Disclosable Pecuniary Interest – None declared
- b) Non-Registerable Interest – None declared
- c) Of gifts to the value of more than £25 – None declared
- d) To consider requests for dispensation on items on the agenda – None declared
- Open Period – Public Participation
Nothing raised
- Confirmation of the minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting and Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 2nd July 2018.
The Council RESOLVED, by a show of hands by those who had attended the said meeting, that the minutes of the 2nd July 2018 meeting be approved, and they were duly signed by the Chairman.
Matters Arising: –
- Barclays Bank – The Clerk reported that 3 Councillors had taken part in a telephone conference call and the proposal was moving forward. Negotiations are currently taking place.
- National Trust – awaiting response, clerk to chase
- St Mawes Recreational Ground – awaiting response, clerk to chase
- Planting Schemes – Cllr German to report back at the next meeting
- Report from the Clerk – A verbal report was given.
It was agreed to always circulate this report with the minutes to all Councillors.
The parish council minutes and agendas are now available to view on www.stmawesandtheroseland.co.uk/useful-information/st-just-in-roseland-parish-council/
It was agreed for the Clerk to contact the St Mawes Carnival Committee and congratulate them on a successful week and request to be more involved next year. Cllr Goldsmith also volunteered to be a representative on the committee next year.
- Report from Cornwall Councillor – A verbal report was given.
- Report from Councillors as representatives of other Committees –
Verbal reports were received from:
- Roseland Activity Centre
- Correspondence (information only) – Noted
Dutch Elm – It was unanimously agreed to accept the offer of work, the Clerk to contact.
A letter of gratitude has been received by Gerrans & St Mawes Football club regarding the donation made by the Parish Council.
A discussion took place regarding speeding in Buckeys Lane, the Clerk to contact Highways and request a site visit to seek advice and options and reply to Sarah Newton MP.
- Planning
To consider Planning Applications received from Cornwall Council
15 – PA18/05266 – 2 Ropewalk, St Mawes – Proposed single garage – St Just in Roseland Parish Council cannot support this application as it will make the road look narrow and will take light from neighbours’ skylights. Therefore, we raise an objection to this application.
16 – PA18/05443 – Land adj to Green Waters, Freshwater Lane, St Mawes – Construct 2 new detached houses with garages, infrastructure and landscaping on residential development plot, with a detached 1 bed guest pavilion to Plot 1 – St Just in Roseland Parish Council cannot support this application in its current form. The guidance offered in the pre-application has not been complied with. The building does not reflect and retain the spacious character of the site and its verdant qualities. It should have a reduction in the width boundaries and allow enough retained space to ensure the essential replacement tree planting can be undertaken as agreed in PA16/04151.
Consideration needs to be given to reducing the dwelling footprints to retain key elements of the sites character.
17 – PA18/05737 – Messack Farm House, St Just in Roseland – Division of existing farmhouse and barn buildings to form two units – St Just in Roseland Parish Council has no objection to Planning Application PA18/05737.
18 – PA18/03442 – The Old Watch House, 1 The Square, St Mawes – Installation of Retractable canopy / awning (reinstating previously removed) – St Just in Roseland Parish Council has looked at this application and has no objections, therefore supports the applicant.
19 – PA18/06187 – Land South of Commererrns Farm, St Just – Conversion of redundant barn to residential dwelling – St Just in Roseland Parish Council cannot support this application in its current form. Our comments made in PA18/01594 remain unchanged and are all still valid. It is felt that this application fails Policy H03 of our Roseland Neighbourhood Development Plan and Policy 7 of the Cornwall Local Plan”
Our previous comments were: -We feel that this is a redundant barn and a part of it has been left to collapse. As such it makes no positive contribution to the AONB. We believe that the refurbishment of this barn for residential use is acceptable so long as
i) it has been demonstrated that the barn serves no useful agricultural purpose
ii) The dwelling is subject to a Section 106 agreement to restrict occupancy to those with a local connection.
iii) The property cannot be sold separately from the farm.
We would seek clarification that there are no permitted development rights with this build.
We would also seek clarification on the following points
a) Ref Drawing D – 004
The proposal does not follow the footprint of the partially collapsed lean to. On the West side the property will come closer to the boundary than at present. Why does the property not follow the footprint of the original barn?
Presently the barn is well screened from public views. The primary distant view is on the approach from the South. The removal of the trees to the East Elevation and the reduction in the Woodland will ensure that there is lawn and recreation space and light for the property but we are concerned this will adversely affect the property’s setting in the AONB. We would seek the retention of some of these trees, in particular we would consider if all 3 trees on the East Elevation should be removed, one of which appears to be the tallest specimen on the plot. We are concerned that the cumulative changes will be an over domestication of the site.
20 – PA18/06605 – Trethewell Bar, St Just in Roseland – Single storey oak framed orangery extension – St Just in Roseland Parish Council has no objections to this application
21 – PA18/06650 – 14 Polvarth Estate, St Mawes – Rear first floor extension – St Just in Roseland Parish Council cannot support this application in its current form. This is due to overshadowing, loss of outlook, loss of privacy and overlooking for neighbours. Concern was also raised on behalf of the neighbours for the potential loss of sunlight.
22 – PA18/06410 – Land at Homelands, St Just in Roseland – Amendment to approved scheme to provide live/work unit and rural workshops including improved access, layout of parking/turning and installation of septic tank.
23 – PA18/07067 – 2 Harbour View, St Just in Roseland – Single storey extension to front and rear, alterations and car parking.
24 – PA18/07069 – 7 Bohella Road, St Mawes – Rear garden chalet to be used as additional bedroom
To note the decisions of the Planning Authority
9) PA18/04465 – 3 The Quay, St Mawes – Change of use from bank A2 to holiday letting agent A1 and B1 office with reinstatement of external door and new signage – APPROVED
10) PA18/04958 – Highlands, 8 Carrick Way, St Mawes – Felling of Fir Tree in front of house and removal of apple trees in rear garden. – APPROVED
11) PA18/04767 – 9 Marine Parade, St Mawes – Ground floor washroom extension and alterations – APPROVED
13) PA18/05413 – Harbour Cottage, 3 Kings Road, St Mawes – Listed building consent application for proposed extension and associated works – APPROVED
14) PA18/05412 – Harbour Cottage, 3 Kings Road, St Mawes – Proposed replacement rear extension and associated works – APPROVED
To note Enforcements
EN18/01328 – Hedge opposite Penrill, St Just in Roseland
It was agreed for the Clerk to write to the owner regarding the removal of the hedge at St Just in Roseland.
To note the decisions of the Enforcement Team
To consider any planning correspondence –
An enforcement timescale was handed out for information.
- Accounts and Finance
- a) The Council was asked to approve the following payments:
The Bacs were approved £15,833.32
Direct Debits/Debit Card/ Standing Orders shown as paid in July £ 8,641.84
Salaries for July paid on 30th July 2018 £ 4,164.66
Income shown as received during July £37,410.60
Approval of the payments of accounts was proposed by Cllr Sadler and seconded by Cllr Giles. All in favour by a show of hands. RESOLVED by the Council.
- b) The council considered the monthly Car Park income for July 2018
Pay & Display | Pay & Display | Permits | Permits | Total | |
Monthly | Cumulative | Monthly | Cumulative | Cumulative | |
July-17 | 32,645.55 | 96,449.55 | 2400.00 | 24,668.00 | 121,117.55 |
July-18 | 32,757.90 | 96,084.60 | 2492.00 | 25,128.00 | 121,212.60 |
July 2018 comparable with 2017 | |||||
Up | 112.35 | 92.00 | 460.00 | 95.05 | |
Down | -364.95 |
This includes £6,713.30 (gross) taken on card payments.
To consider any recommendations relating to finance.
The Clerk reported that the RVC Website is over 3 years old; and is in desperate need of updating.
Cllr. Hall proposed a budget of £500 towards the update of the RVC website. Seconded by Cllr. Salter. All in favour by a show of hands. RESOLVED by the Council.
To consider any grant applications received
None received
- Car Parks
Fisherman’s Cage – Cllr. Salter gave a brief report around the history of why the Fisherman’s Cage was created. All Councillors agreed that action should be taken to tidy the area and to reconnect with the fishermen who use the cage.
Cllr. Salter proposed for Barney Rosewall to be the Manager/Representative between the Parish Council and the Fisherman’s Cage regarding matters arising. Seconded by Cllr. Giles. All in favour by a show of hands. RESOLVED by the Council.
- Highways Issues
It was noted that the yellow lines on part of Tredenham Road have completely faded in certain sections, so enforcements may be difficult. Clerk has spoken to Cormac and it will be re-assessed in September.
- Glyphosate
Cllr Sadler read out Cornwall Council’s resolution regarding the use of glyphosate.
Cllr. Sadler proposed “In a proactive effort to reverse the destruction of the bees and pollinators and to protect human health, St Just in Roseland Parish Council ceases the use of neonicotinoids and glyphosate on all public access land that it owns or manages (with the exception of use for the control of Schedule 9 plants under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1982, such as Japanese Knotweed, or where it is used to reduce material risks to asset integrity).
Seconded by Cllr. Goldsmith. All in favour by a show of hands. RESOLVED by the Council.
- Speedwatch
Cllr German explained the scheme. Polvarth Road and Buckeys Lane are two areas of concern in the parish. Clerk to liaise with Cllr German and Constable James Hosking to progress this and place future advert in the Parish Magazine asking for volunteers.
- Any Other Urgent Business
Cllr Salter praised St Mawes School for their recent end of year production.
September agenda items
World Clean Up Day – Saturday 15th September 2018
The next meeting will be held on Monday 3rd September 2018 at 7pm in The Millennium Rooms
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.50pm
Signed as a true record……………………………………..Chairman Cllr. B. Sadler