Parish Council Meeting
St Ewe Village Hall
Monday 9 January 2012
7.00pm – 8.20pm
Officers Present:-
Parish Cllrs – Chairman Cllr Will Richards , Cllr Allan Brooks, Cllr Diane Clemes, Cllr Rueben Collins, Cllr John Dickinson, Cllr Elaine Holmes, Cllr Trevor Johns, Cllr Janet Lockyer and Cllr Sam Roberts
Apologies Received:-
Cllr Martin Wheeley
In Attendance:-
Cllr Robin Teverson – Cornwall Council
Jose Ringrose, Clerk
Public Participation:-
No members of the public in attendance
095/11 Declarations of interests
Cllr Sam Roberts declared he lived opposite the property involved with Planning Application 11/10145
096/11 Previous Minutes
The minutes of the parish council meeting held on 14 November 2011 having been read were considered a true record and were adopted (proposed Cllr J.L seconded Cllr E.H ).
Public Participation None
097/11 Planning matters
· St Ewe Planning Protocol
The clerk has prepared a planning protocol document which deals with how St Ewe Parish Council will process planning applications. Councillors were asked to consider whether any amendments needed to be made.
It was agreed that this protocol should be followed at the present time but kept under review and updated as necessary.
CPRE and NALC booklet – The second of the series of booklets on planning procedure – Planning explained.
As was agreed at previous meeting, the Chairman and clerk to initially read through it and then make it available
to other councillors. The council noted receipt of this booklet.
10/07270 CLUED Existing use of caravan for shelter/storage
OS 3032 Little Polgooth, St Austell, Cornwall
The council notedthe fact that the appeal is now to be dealt with by way of written submissions.
· 11/08177 FP Change of use from B8 (storage) to B1(b) (studio)
Oldthorns, Little Polgooth, St Austell, Cornwall, PL26 7DD
Notice of approval
· 11/08562 FP Erection of agricultural building for storage of farm machinery
Meadow Farm, Lower Sticker, St Austell, Cornwall, PL26 7JL
Adjacent parish – Notice of approval
11/08811 FP Glazed enclosure and minor extension of existing porch
The Old Farm Cottage, Heligan House, Heligan, Mevagissey
Notice of approval
The councilnotedreceipt of the above three planning decisions.
Cllr Sam Roberts having declared an interest in the following planning application, left the room
· 11/10145 FP Conversion of existing modern farm building to seasonal campsite toilet facilities
Higher Kestle Farm, St.Ewe.
The council considered the planning documents and resolved (proposed Cllr J.L and seconded Cllr E.H) to raise no objection to the application.
Cllr Roberts rejoined the meeting
098/11 Dumping of Asbestos Sheeting
This matter came to light just before the last meeting and the parish council had very few details at that time. However, since that time there has been much correspondence led by Cllr Teverson about how to resolve the problem. Cllr Teverson had received advice from Cornwall Council EnviroCrime Enforcement Officer advising that where the persons responsible for fly tipping cannot be identified then it is the landowner that has to dispose of materials (and in this case, safely) by means of handling carefully with gloves, then placed in bags. The asbestos sheets can then be taken to the Household Waste Site where there is a section especially for this kind of waste. Cllr Teverson stated that he would continue to monitor this situation until it is cleared.
099/11 Cornwall Councillor Report
Councillor Robin Teverson reported that the Advice Surgeries that he held within St.Ewe and St.Mewan parishes had been successful and that he had been able to discuss local concerns and enquiries with residents.
Cllr Teverson advised re the consultation for the next stage of the Core Strategy (the main Cornwall development document) which commences 9.1.2012 to 2.3.2012. Among issues that will be considered are housing within urban areas and infrastructure.
The matter of Fingerpost maintenance was discussed and Cllr Teverson advised that there was a Local Highways Discretionary Budget for which he could use for appropriate schemes and he suggested to Cllr John Dickinson that a review of the necessary work, costs for repair, sandblasting and treating the various posts be assessed. It was agreed that they would liaise together over this matter.
100/11 Polmassick Flooding
Councillor Janet Lockyer advised that Cornwall Council were to measure the work required to address the flooding issues in Polmassick. This work was expected to take place in November but to date had not been done. Cllr Lockyer advised that a National Flooding Forum had been set up and that this would allow the group to have Charity Status, it also meant that the representatives of other areas also affected by flooding would be part of a support group for any possible future flooding. A warning system is to be set up in the river, but this needs to be completed before end of March 2012 or the available funding will be lost.
Cllr Lockyer advised that all three homes affected by the flooding had received the payment of the Flood Defence Grant.
101/11 Highways
· Salt bins
The salt bins in Polmassick are currently full and the council considered whether it was necessary to make a purchase of road salt.
After some discussion it was agreed that the purchase of road salt was unnecessary at this time. The matter will be kept under review and the salt usage this year monitored to inform purchasing in the future.
· Pot Holes
Cllr Diane Clemes reported large potholes have appeared in the slip road off the Gorran road, leading to Tregear and also in the Tregilgas road. Cllr Lockyer reported an extremely large pothole in the road outside Penhale Farm. Councillors then discussed the unsatisfactory state of most roads in St.Ewe and the concerns that whilst Highways are constantly refilling potholes within a very short time the potholes reappeared. It was felt that there must be a more sustainable solution to dealing with this problem
Cllr Teverson agreed to speak to Highways about the potholes reported.
No other matters were reported.
102/11 Footpaths
· The clerk had received a consultation document from Cornwall Council re re-assessing how public path maintenance funds are to be distributed to Parish Councils and had asked that councils consider the path cutting regime suggested by the local Countryside Ranger whether it was correct or if any amendments are needed to be made. After some discussion it was agreed that the clerk consult with the contractor responsible for keeping the paths in good condition and ascertain the number of cuts per year needed on each path.
The clerk advised that Cornwall Council had advised of payments made for Grass Cutting and Footpath Maintenance. The clerk advised they had been received.
No other matters were reported.
103/11 Notice Boards
Following from the discussion at the last meeting the clerk submitted the grant application paperwork to Cllr Teverson.
The clerk advised that she had received confirmation that a sum of £480 from the Community Fund had been processed for payment.
The clerk was instructed to advise Lee Price, who has quoted for the provision of a new Parish Council notice board in Polmassick and to complete the repair of the remainder of the notice boards. The notice board in St.Ewe village having already been replaced.
104/11 Code of Conduct
The clerk was able to read some updating information from CALC regarding the Code Of Conduct proposals and suggested that the council await further updates.
It was agreed that this matter be kept under review.
105/11 Grant Applications
· Victim Support
· Cornwall Air Ambulance Trust
· Cornwall Blind Association
The parish council agreed not to award grants to any of the above organisations at this time.
Cllr Sam Roberts had received a request from the Village Hall for a grant to help with the water leak underground in the car park. It was agreed that this matter be held over until the next meeting to allow time for a formal written request to be received.
106/11 Financial matters
· Approve payments
Payment of any grants detailed above and outstanding invoices received up to the time of the meeting were approved (proposed Cllr W.R, seconded Cllr D.C ) as detailed below:
Rose Hardisty
Salary – 7 wks @ 4 hrs/wk = 28 hrs
Working from home allowance – December
Brian Smelt
Internal audit
Annual Subscription
· Bi-monthly financial update
The council noted the bi-monthly update and budget review without comment.
107/11 New information posted on Notice Boards
· Minutes of 12.09.2011
(and at www.cornwall.gov.uk/steweparish and http://roselandonline.co.uk/category/grampound-with-creed-parish-council/grampound-with-creed-2012/)
· Waste and recycling collections for Christmas and New Year 2011/2012
· Stephen Gilbert MP, Spring Advise Surgeries
The council noted the information posted on the notice boards.
108/11 Consultations
· Sharon Davey – Rail Survey. This survey to be completed on line by individual councillors.
The council noted receipt but did not comment on the above consultation.
109/11 Clerk
· Notification that temporary clerking arrangements commenced 03.01.2012
The council noted that the clerk had a hand over meeting with Jose Ringrose on Friday 08.12.2011 but the effective start date for the clerk’s compassionate leave was 03.12.2012. Clerk cover is being provided by Jose Ringrose and her contact details were confirmed to councillors. Jose Ringrose has access to the usual parish email account and also the e-planning facilities. She will be liaising regularly with the clerk and will keep the council informed with regard to clerking arrangements.
110/11 Any other business
No other business was raised.
111/11 Clerk’s report
The clerk presented a short report listing the magazines and circulars received since the last meeting, which are available for councillors to view should they so wish.
112/11 Date of next meeting
The date of the next full council meeting is Monday 12 March 2012 at 7.00pm. Dates of planning meetings are subject to receipt of planning applications and are arranged as and when required. The date of the next employment committee meeting will be arranged as necessary.
Meeting closed at 8.20pm