04.05.12:Jean Rolt, a minister from the Roseland Peninsula, has just released her own eBook, My Journey, which covers the story of her journey in faith, leading up to her becoming an Anglican priest.
Interested in why she felt the desire to write this account, Jean told Roseland Online, “I was asked several times by people who read my blog to explain some of it. There are several people trying to go down the same route and I thought it might be helpful. In the past I’ve written drama, but also novels. Some of the drama has been acted, but I never got round to sending the novels in.
Jean decided against talking to mainstream publishers about the project and wanted to give something back to the community, so decided on a free, downloadable eBook.
She said, “Finding a publisher seemed too hard. I hadn’t realised how easy it was with Smashwords [an eBook publishing and distribution platform for eBook authors, publishers, agents and readers]. I read an article by Stephen Fry who was enthusiastic about it and I want readers more than cash!”
So what about the future? “There’s loads of stuff in the pipeline but I already blog… typical audience of around 100 per day. I just needed to find the time to sit down and write. As we were on a boat for seven weeks that was the opportunity! I hope this book will convince people that above everything, you are never too old and that anything you have always wanted is still possible to achieve… even in old age.”
You can download your own copy of Jean’s novel by clicking here, and/or follow Jean’s blog by visiting this page.