St Ewe Parish Council Minutes – March 2014

S T    E W E    P A R I S H    C O U N C I L

Chair of the Parish Council

Councillor Janet Lockyer

Mill Cottage


St Ewe



PL26 6HA


Clerk to the Parish Council

Ms Rose Hardisty

The Headlands

School Hill



PL26 6TH

01726 842869­­


Parish Council Meeting

St Ewe Village Hall

Monday 10 March 2014

7.00pm – 8.55pm


Officers Present:- Parish Cllrs – Vice Chair Cllr John Dickinson, Cllr Trevor Harman, Cllr Trevor Johns, Cllr Will Richards, Cllr Sam Roberts and Cllr Lynne Tregunna
Apologies Received:- Cllr Janet Lockyer, Cllr Allan Brooks, Cllr Diane Clemes, Cllr Rueben Collins and Cllr Malcolm Harris
In Attendance:- Rose Hardisty, Clerk
Public Participation:- 0 members of the public in attendance

111/13   Declarations of interests

  • Cllrs Johns and Tregenna declared they are relatives in relation to PA14/00296.


112/13   Previous Minutes

The minutes of theparish council meeting held on 13 January 2014, having been circulated with the agendas, were considered a true record and were adopted (proposedTJ, seconded TH).


Public Participation       None


113/13   Planning matters

  • Wind Turbines generally and applications in neighbouring parishes


The council noted the written response received from Head of Planning as a result of the concerns raised by the parish council at the last meeting.  On receipt of further guidance from CC attempts will be made by the clerk to set up the e-planning register in such a way that St Ewe will receive electronic notifications of wind turbine applications in neighbouring parishes.


The council noted that training is being offered at the Exhibition Hall at Kingsley Village on Tuesday 08.04.2014 at 7.00pm on “landscape and cumulative impact guidance for wind and solar development”.  The clerk will circulate the information by email and councillors should make direct contact if they wish to attend the training.


Following the request made by the parish council, the community network is to discuss the matter of wind turbines at its meeting on Wednesday 12.03.2013.  The meeting is open to the public as well as to parish and town council representatives.  It was agreed that Cllrs Lockyer, Roberts, Brooks and Harman would attend on behalf of St Ewe Parish Council.  Any other councillors who wish to attend may also do so.


The council noted a number of wind turbine related applications which are currently in progress in neighbouring areas.  St Ewe was formally notified about Pitts Down Farm and this is awaiting a decision.  In particular the council noted that two recent EIA applications for 100m turbines in Cuby (near Barwick Farm) and Grampound with Creed (near Bosillian) have both been deemed as “EIA required”.



PA13/10074    Wind Turbine 79m to blade tip and associated works

Tregonan Farm, Tregony, TR2 5SN



PA13/11428    Wind Turbine 79m to blade tip and associated works

Pitts Down Farm, Tregony, Cornwall


The council noted that the clerk has recently spoken with the planning officer (same officer for both) and he has indicated that he is awaiting further information from the applicants before proceeding to a determination.  That being the case the council felt no further discussion on the matters was necessary at the present time.




PA14/00645    Proposed Wind Turbine

Lanuah Farm, St Ewe, St Austell, PL26 6ER

Notice EIA not required


PA14/00662    Proposed Wind Turbine

Levalsa Farm, London Apprentice, St Austell, PL26 6AW

Notice EIA not required

The council noted that the planning officer has determined that full Environmental Impact Assessments will not be required when the actual applications are submitted.  The next likely step in these matters is that CC will organise public consultation meetings.



PA13/10703    Construction of a Stockman’s dwelling and associated works

Penberlan Farm, Lower Sticker, St Austell, PL26 7JJ

Notice of Approval


PA10/08367   Site two caravans, one for residential use and one for use as an office

Pleasant Streams Barn, Lower Sticker, St Austell, PL26 7JL

Notice of Refusal


PA13/11258   Conversion/rebuilding of redundant agricultural buildings into eight dwellings

Tregenna Barns, London Apprentice, St Austell, PL26 7AW

Notice of Refusal

The council noted the above three planning decisions.



PA14/00296   Alterations to roof, disabled access improvements and internal modifications

Trevalley View, Trevithick Farm, Tregony, TR2 5SL

Notice of Advice sought/given

The council noted this matter.


  • Mobile Home at Polmassick Vineyard

It was alleged that a mobile home is being stationed in the paddock at the vineyard and councillors questioned whether this is permitted without planning permission.  It is believed that a septic tank is also being installed.  The clerk advised that the only way to be sure would be to refer the matter to planning enforcement to investigate.  Any members of the public approaching councillors because they are concerned about whether a development is in breach of planning should be advised to report the matter directly to Cornwall Council as waiting for the next parish council meeting may cause an unacceptable delay.  It was agreed that the clerk would refer this matter to planning enforcement and also seek general guidance from the planning department as to the circumstances when a caravan/mobile home requires planning permission and when it does not.


  • Coyte Farm Development Update

Cllr Harris informed the council by email that the planning refusal is unlikely to be appealed but the developers plan to submit a revised application for consideration.  Cllr Harris is going to revisit his electorate to evaluate the current public feeling in relation to the proposals.


114/13  Cornwall Councillor Update

Cllr Malcolm Harris was not able to attend the meeting but did send a short report by email a précis of which follows.  At the last planning meeting, CC unanimously rejected an application for 190 houses, a pub/restaurant and light commercial on green fields at Holmbush.  Air quality along this section of the A390 falls well below UK and European standards.  The developers offered to part-fund monitoring but councillors felt if does not need monitoring – it needs addressing.  This is also likely to be a major objection to Phase 2 on Porthpean Road.  Many councillors are upset and frustrated that the Northern Expansion cell (behind St Austell College) and the Holmbush cell cannot be eliminated from the town framework plan.  Legal advice is that they had to be left in as ‘potential’ future development sites.  Cllr Harris feels this seems to fly in the face of ‘democracy’ as there was overwhelming objection to both development sites.  The 1.9{c8c3b3d140ed11cb7662417ff7b2dc686ffa9c2daf0848ac14f76e68f36d0c20} increase in council tax was passed at full council on 25.02.2014.  This was expected and seen as a necessary part of filling the vast black hole of funding.  Finally, Cllr Harris has allocated £1,000 from his community grant scheme to redecorate St Ewe Village Hall.


115/13  Polmassick Flooding

Cllr Janet Lockyer was unable to attend the meeting but has continued her activities with the flood forum attending the meeting on 20.02.2014.  CORMAC has stated in correspondence that they are aware of the concerns regarding drainage maintenance at Polmassick but they are “complying with the specification set by the council”.  In addition, CORMAC state that there is no allocated funding yet for the relief pipe so the wait will have to continue.  The detailed survey is available and levels are being examined.  If the project is feasible funding will need to be pursued.  The council noted receipt of various emails from Cornwall Council which provide update on the help and support available to businesses and individuals affected by flooding.




116/13   Highways

  • Potholes, surface and drainage issues

The council noted the letter received from CORMAC in response to the most recently raised concerns.  The issues surrounding Polmassick are detailed above.  A hole has been made in the hedge at Paramoor to allow the water to drain from the road.  Lobbying the ward councillor is the best way to move forward the priority of maintenance work.  The programme of pothole repair is ongoing.  It was agreed that the clerk write to highways to report a number of potholes – Tregain Cottage, Deer Park, Edge Corner, Nunnery Hill, Tregear Farm.


  • Mud on the highway

The council noted CORMAC has been in contact with local farmers and is optimistic that the difficulties are being taken seriously and that farmers are proactive in seeing the problem addressed.


  • Any other urgent matters

There has been an incident of flytipping of old carpet on Nunnery Hill.  It was agreed the clerk should report.


No further matters were reported.


117/13   Footpaths

  • LMP Agreement 2014

The LMP paperwork has been provided by CC and the grant offer is the same as last year (£292.00).  It was resolved (proposed TJ, seconded WR) to accept the LMP Agreement for this year.  The clerk is to complete the necessary paperwork and liaise with the contractor, Jim Davies.


  • Any urgent matters

It was reported that the gateposts on 418/4/1 where the path exits the churchyard and broken.  This matter is be looked at by councillors and repairs undertaken.  If necessary there will be liaison with the clerk to arrange contractors and funding.


No further matters were reported.


118/13   Notice boards

The clerk reported that no one has been in contact about the notices in the Little Polgooth and Lower Sticker notice boards indicating the council’s intention to discontinue their use.  In addition, on her visit on 05.03.2014 the clerk noted that the notice board has been broken at Little Polgooth.  The door has been ripped off.  It is difficult to say whether this was an act of deliberate vandalism or whether it was as a result of rusted hinges.  It was agreed that the clerk cease to use these notice boards and arrange for the removal of the notice board at Little Polgooth as this is now non-functional.  The notice board in Lower Sticker can remain in situ for public use unless/until the council receives notification from the public to remove it.


119/13   Clerking Arrangements

  • Resignation of current clerk

The council noted the letter of resignation from the current clerk.  She anticipates the necessity to still be in post at the May meeting but hopes that the new clerk will be ready to take over in time for the July meeting.


  • Arrangements for recruitment of new clerk

There was considerable discussion about the practical arrangements for recruiting a new clerk.  The council agreed in principal that adverts should be placed as quickly as possible, these adverts should target existing clerks via SLCC and CALC but also there should be an advert in the Cornish Guardian.  It was resolved (proposed JD, seconded SR) that the recruitment process should be managed by the Employment Committee in liaison with the clerk up to the point of interview.  The Employment Committee will prepare the advert, fix the time schedule, process applications and prepare a shortlist of a maximum of five candidates.  It was agreed that an advert should appear in the Cornish Guardian and resolved (proposed JD, seconded SR) that the clerk be reimbursed for this cost.  Thereafter, full council will be consulted on the shortlisted individuals and interviews will be scheduled for Monday 28.04.2014.  It was agreed that the clerk be free to talk to any prospective candidates seeking further information about the nature of the role.


120/13   Grant Applications

  • Cornwall County Playing Fields Association

The council resolved (proposed TJ, seconded LT) not to make a grant at this time.


121/13   Financial Matters

  • Approve payments

Payment of any grants detailed above and outstanding invoices received up to the time of the meeting were approved (proposed WR, seconded JD) as detailed below:

Rose Hardisty 360.36







Salary – 8 wks @ 5 hrs/wk @ £9.009/hr

Working from home allowance – 8 wks @ £4/wk

22 miles at 40p/mile

21.02.2014 – pk 50 multi-coloured document wallets

21.02.2014 – pk 500 manilla A5 envelopes

21.02.2014 – pk 8 replacement ink cartridges



  • Preliminary consideration of expected year-end figures

The council noted that the figures contained in thetwo-monthly update will effectively form the year-end figures for 2013/2014.  The council was pleased to note that spending was roughly in line with the formulated budget and that overall the council had spent slightly less than anticipated.  It was agreed that financial year-end would be finalised at the next meeting.


  • Two-monthly financial update

The council noted the two-monthly update and budget review without further comment.


122/13   Audit Matters

  • Policy Consultation – Local Audit and Accountability Act – closing date 10.03.2014

The council noted that it was the intention of CALC to submit a response on behalf of town and parish councils in Cornwall.


  • Appointment of internal auditor and external audit arrangements

The council noted that Brian Smelt has indicated he is happy to undertake the council’s internal audit for 2013/2014.  It was resolved (proposed WR, seconded SR) to appoint Brian Smelt as internal auditor and offer a fee not in excess of £50.00.  The clerk has not received any indication that the arrangements for external auditing have been revised so the clerk must await the documents from the Audit Commission appointed auditors (Grant Thornton UK LLP).  It was agreed that the clerk should proceed with preparing the paperwork for the internal and external audits in line with the usual procedures and the specifications set out in the paperwork from Grant Thornton in readiness for presentation at the next meeting.


123/13   New information posted on Notice Boards

  • Minutes of 11.11.2013

(and at and

  • Cornwall Council – Help us plan the future of affordable housing – comments by 14.03.2014

The council noted the information posted on the notice boards.


124/13   Schedule of future meeting dates

The clerk proposed the following schedule: 12.05.2014 (already booked), 14.07.2014, 08.09.2014, 10.11.2014, 12.01.2015, 09.03.2015 and 11.05.2014.  These dates were agreed and the clerk should write to the village hall seeking to book the room.  Following on from the discussion about clerk recruitment it likely there will also be an additional interview meeting on 28 April 2014.


125/13   Any other business

No other business was raised.


126/13   Clerk’s report

The clerk presented a short report listing the magazines and circulars received since the last meeting, which are available for councillors to view should they so wish.


127/13   Date of next meeting

The next scheduled meeting is for Monday 12 May 2014 at 7.00pmwhich is the Annual Parish Community meeting at 7.00pm, followed by the Parish Council AGM and after that the usual parish business will be dealt with.  Dates of planning meetings are subject to receipt of planning applications and are arranged as and when required.  The date of the next employment committee meeting will be arranged as necessary.


Meeting closed at 8.55pm




Notice – Parish Accounts year end 31.03.2014


Further to the formal notice placed on parish notice boards on 01.04.2014 the clerk would like to remind parishioners that they have a right to inspect St Ewe Parish Council’s accounts including the annual return made to the Audit Commission and all books, contracts, bills, vouchers, receipts, etc.  Anyone wishing to exercise their right to carry out such an inspection should contact the clerk to make suitable arrangements.


Please contact Rose Hardisty on 01726 842869

Rose Hardisty, Clerk to St Ewe Parish Council

The Headlands, School Hill, Mevagissey, ST AUSTELL, PL26 6TH



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