An Important Police announcement

This message relates to Police log 653 24 June 2010.

We would like to make you aware that we have had reports of two males trying to change money for various denominations and trying to confuse staff into giving them excess change in various businesses in West Cornwall.

They have purchased a small item with a ÂŁ50 note and asked for various change, such as all ÂŁ5 notes, then they try and confuse the cashier by offering the correct money they find on themselves and take back the note and also end up taking the change from the note.

It may not be obvious at the time but later when tills are checked it is noticed that money is missing.

Please be wary of people asking to change money, especially if attempts are made to confuse staff members.

If you have believe you have these males attempting this scam please phone 999. If possible please take a note of descriptions and vehicles.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Please phone us with any information on 08452 777 444. Do not reply to this email address as this in an unmanned account.

Thank you for your continued support of the Community Messaging System.

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