Gerrans Parish Council
MINUTES of Gerrans Parish Council Meeting
held on Tuesday 7th June 2016
in the Memorial Hall Annexe
NEXT MEETING – Tuesday 5th July 2016 at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall Annexe
Cllrs Case, Edwards, German, Greenslade, Hatwood, Hetherington, Meek, Morse, Neal,
Taffinder ( Chairman); S Skull (Clerk)
2 members of the public attended.
The Chairman read out a statement in respect of the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 reminding those in attendance and participating in the meeting that they were liable to be filmed, recorded, photographed or otherwise recorded.
Cllr Iddison
Cllr Taffinder declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in the proposed devolution of the Fishermen’s Shelter (included in item 10 on the agenda) by reason of her husband’s employment.
Mrs Kennett outlined the history of the Roseland Surgeries Patients Group (“the Group”) from its formation in 2012, and the establishment of its Constitution, until the present day. She said the purpose of the Group was to work with Practice staff to promote good health in the community by providing information, advice and support about health-related matters and services. Members decided from the outset that the approach of the Group would be to encourage practical activities that could promote and support good physical and mental health. Mrs Kennett gave examples such as walking, singing, painting and crafting afternoons. The Group had also brought in various charities to help widen the scope of its efforts. She said a particular achievement had been the Group’s successful and still ongoing Roseland Defibrillator Project which to date had provided 22 publicly accessible defibrillator units throughout the Roseland.
In 2016, the idea of “Café Roseland” was conceived. Mrs Kennett said the project was taking shape well and a large number of volunteers had come forward to offer their services. Given that the demographic of the Roseland surgeries’ patients is skewed towards the more elderly, 30{c8c3b3d140ed11cb7662417ff7b2dc686ffa9c2daf0848ac14f76e68f36d0c20} of whom live alone, the idea was to provide a space where people could meet for a cup of tea and a chat, and possibly, if they wanted to, engage also in some “brain-stretching” activities that will be on offer, along with a variety of entertainments. She said the café will be open in the Memorial Hall on alternate Wednesday afternoons and the first one is scheduled for September 14th September at 2.00 pm. The Community Bus will also be made available.
Mrs Kennett concluded by giving a summary of the financing and staffing arrangements of the Group. She said that the Group was one of the most successful in the County because of its nucleus of hard-working volunteers, and the fact that it works extremely closely with the Practice. The Group was very much ongoing and would always welcome new members and volunteers.
After a brief Q&A session, Cllr Taffinder thanked Mrs Kennett on behalf of the Parish Council.
Mr Malcolm Tozer said he wished to report instances of the new balcony at the Harbour Club being used outside permitted hours at night. Cllr Taffinder said that if he would care to submit his report formally so that it could be put on the following month’s agenda, then the PC could address the matter under due process.
The Council accepted the draft minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 3rd May 2016 as being a true record subject to one amendment. The Chairman signed the amended minutes.
The clerk reported:
– Cllr Neal had volunteered to serve on the Village Tidiness and Rubbish Committee
– A response had been received to the letter he had written to Mr Phil Mason, head of Planning at Cornwall Council (CC). The response, previously forwarded to Councillors,had been from a Customer Relations Officer rather than Mr Mason’s office. Councillors all agreed they were not satisfied with the content or source of this response and the clerk was asked to draft an appropriate reply. Action clerk
– A letter concerning noise nuisance had been sent to No 6 The Quay.
– Confirmation had been received that the allegations of planning infringements at Knightor Vineyard were under investigation (Ref EN16/00641). The PC would be informed of CC’s eventual decision.
– He and Cllr Case had made repairs to the bench in the children’s playground and replaced the damaged sign on the gate. Cllr German said there had been further damage to the Wendy House. The clerk said he was awaiting a quote for its replacement. Cllr Meek suggested there should be a list maintained of jobs outstanding. The clerk said he maintained an ongoing list on his desk.
– He had reported the two broken footpath signs at Trewithian to both the National Trust and CC.
Cllr Hetherington reminded the meeting that the Truro and Roseland Community Network Panel July meeting would be held in the Memorial Hall Annexe on Tuesday 19th.
There was no correspondence which would not be addressed in other items on the agenda.
The PC had received no new applications.
Application | GPC comment | CC Decision |
PA16/01867 – Pendennis | Support | Approved |
No new issues to report
Update on the Fishermen’s Shelter bid
(Cllr Taffinder left the room during discussion of this item)
The clerk read out an email received that day from the Portscatho Harbour Users’ Association (PHUA) in response to the PC’s concerns as per May’s minute ref 061511. The email stated that the Harbourmaster was in possession of a copy of the deeds to the entire harbour which contained a covenant that the Shelter is for the use of the community, and he would be pleased to meet with the PC if requested. After discussion, and in the light of the email, Cllr Edwards proposed (seconded by Cllr Hatwood) that the PC should formally withdraw its bid both for devolution funding and the transfer of the freehold of the Shelter. Voting was 9 in favour, with Cllr German against. Proposal carried. Action clerk
Other localism issues
The clerk reported he had been unable to compile a bid for the Tesco “bags of help” community funding scheme in the timeframe given, not least because the PC held no current lease on the playground, and there was insufficient time to obtain a detailed landlord’s consent.
Finance Committee
Cllr Taffinder referred to the minutes of a meeting held on 24th May, at which the following three recommendations were unanimously agreed:
- Approval of Financial Accounts and Annual Return Statement for the year ended 31st March 2016.
Both documents, with notes, had been previously circulated and Cllr Greenslade proposed (seconded by Cllr Edwards) that they be approved. Carried unanimously. Cllr Taffinder signed the documents.
- Approval of the clerk’s contract of employment as from 1st April 2016
The contract had been previously circulated and Cllr Greenslade proposed (seconded by Cllr Edwards) that it be approved. Carried unanimously. Cllr Taffinder and the clerk signed the contract.
3.Approval of 10{c8c3b3d140ed11cb7662417ff7b2dc686ffa9c2daf0848ac14f76e68f36d0c20} increase in the rate for the grass cutting and litter bin contract
Cllr Greenslade proposed (seconded by Cllr Edwards) that it be approved. Carried unanimously.
The clerk reported that the new draft lease re New Road car park and the documentation for the Treloan Lane freehold transfer were still with CC.
He also said the design received from Cormac for a pavement build-out in Victoria Terrace, intended to remedy the issue of dangerous parking, was still under review, and he had received informal feedback from the Station Manager at St Mawes Fire Service that in his opinion the design could be effective.
The PC then discussed the level of parking enforcement to be commissioned from CC for the rest of the year:
The clerk referred to his report at the May meeting that he had received from CC a draft contract for this year’s attendance by Civil Enforcement Officers (CEO). The contract involved a previously unannounced price rise of 52{c8c3b3d140ed11cb7662417ff7b2dc686ffa9c2daf0848ac14f76e68f36d0c20} on last year, and he was intending to enter into correspondence to ascertain the justification for this increase. Subsequent correspondence had been circulated amongst Councillors. CC’s position was that they had underestimated their charge last year so were making this adjustment, which was not negotiable. They had agreed to go ahead with the contract until 30th June, by which time they would require confirmation of the PC’s requirements.
The clerk then gave figures to illustrate the financial effect of proceeding with the full contract on the basis of the same hours as last year, which showed the projected total cost would exceed the current budget of £4,500 by more than £2,000. He said an alternative within the budget would be to reduce the coverage from 5 days per week to 3 random days and still maintain weekend patrols in August. This would still have some deterrent effect in that a presence would be visibly maintained. He said this was his recommendation for the remainder of this year, and in the meantime the PC could investigate and pursue alternative enforcement measures for subsequent years.
Cllr Hatwood said he had been in correspondence with the Department of Transport on the subject and ascertained that the PC could operate its own enforcement (Traffic Management Act 2004) but would need the permission of CC. He had also begun to research the matter of training and qualification requirements for the role of a CEO.
After discussion, Cllr Greenslade proposed (seconded by Cllr Edwards) that the PC should not proceed with the contract with CC after 30th June this year. Voting was 7 in favour, 2 against, and Cllr Taffinder abstained. Action clerk to inform CC
Cllr Hatwood proposed (seconded by Cllr Greenslade) that the PC should now pursue every avenue to investigate alternative methods of enforcement, and whether or not it was still the duty of CC to provide a core service over and above what was paid for under the contract. Unanimously agreed. Action clerk and Councillors in general.
Cllr Case proposed (seconded by Cllr Morse) that there should be signs at the entrances to the village saying “No available parking in the village” and directing visitors to the car parks. Voting was 3 in favour and 7 against. Proposal not carried.
Cllr Neal presented a list of issues of environmental concern in respect of The Plume which had been observed and reported to councillors in recent months. After discussion, the clerk was asked to draft a letter to the management of The Plume drawing to their attention in particular the following:
– Overfilled wheelie bins left out for days before collection
– Unsightly piles of cardboard in The Square
– Pavement rubbish in the mornings caused by the takeaway rubbish bin being left out full at night
– Boiler flues placed at children’s eye level in River Street
– Untidy external storage of barrels and cleaning materials
– Building contractor’s vehicles taking up much of the limited parking space in the area.
Action clerk
The clerk reported that all payments submitted for approval were materially within budget, or within forecast and agreed contingency levels where actual figures were unknown at the time of setting the budget.
It was resolved that the outstanding invoices totalling £6057.39 (including VAT of £180.24) be paid. A schedule of all the payments is available from the clerk.
The reconciled bank balance as at 25th May was £41,781.09
- Any urgent business
– None
- Matters to be included on the next agenda
– None not already noted
- Minor items for report
– Cllr German asked if Cllr Taffinder could confirm that the Chief Executive of the Roseland Multi Academy Trust had been suspended. Cllr Taffinder said that was the case.
– Cllr German also thanked the clerk for arranging for a fallen bush to be removed from Eshcol Lane.
– Cllr Neal reported an apparently abandoned Maene Karne dumpy bag on the grass bank near the bus stop in New Road. The clerk said he would investigate.
– Cllr Case said the upper end of Eshcol Lane was overgrown. The clerk said he would investigate.
The meeting closed at 9.34 pm