Hub Radio Launch Delayed Due to Local Protest

hubradio-logoThe new community radio station for South Central Cornwall, The Hub Radio, has had to delay its proposed Whitsun Bank Holiday launch because of lack of funds and local protests.

The station was due to launch with a Festival to help raise funds to purchase capital items for The Hub Radio station, but due to local protests by locals of the planned fund-raising festival, expected to take place around Veryan, the County Council hearing delayed their plans of advertising and putting on the festival in time.

Pete Appleyard, Managing and Technical Director of The Hub told Roseland Online, “At an emergency board meeting it was decided to not hold the festival on the dates of the licence. With ticket sales postponed, this produced a huge problem for The Hub. Also, the time left between the hearing and the festival date was less than a month. Clearly it’s unrealistic to produce a festival within such a short timescale, whilst resolving the problems created for The Hub Radio by this issue.”

The station is now planned to be launched on Saturday 26th July which will be marked with a smaller event at ‘The Hub Festival Field’.  The organisers have been given permission to hold an event there from the 24th to the 29th July with a bar, live music, food and other attractions.

Pete added, “The directors decided that the disruption caused by this objection has made it impossible  to launch the radio station on the intended date in May. At a hearing of Ofcom’s licensing committee they agreed that under these circumstances they would allow us to delay our launch date to the end of July 2014.”

For more information on this event, and more in-depth reasons behind the objection and their decisions, you can visit their website

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