St Just in Roseland March 2013 Agenda



26th February 2013

To Members of the Parish Council

Dear Sir or Madam,

I hereby give you notice that the Meeting of the PARISH COUNCIL of the above Parish will be held at The Parish Millennium Rooms on Monday, 4th March 2013 commencing at 7pm

All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted as set out hereunder.

Residents of the Parish are invited to attend and listen to proceedings.

Yours faithfully

Shirley Penhaligon, Clerk to the Council
1. To accept apologies for absence

2. Declaration of Interest
a) Disclosable Pecuniary Interest
b) Non-registerable Interest
c) Of gifts to the value of more than ÂŁ25
d) To consider the requests for dispensations on items on the agenda

3. Public Participation
Members of the public may address Councillors on any item for a maximum of 15 minutes and for no longer than 5 minutes per person

4. To confirm the minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday, 4th February 2013

5. Matters arising from the Minutes not on the Agenda – for report only

6. Report from the Clerk
7. Report from Devon and Cornwall Constabulary
8. Report from Cornwall Councillor
9. Report from Councillors as representatives of other Committee

AGENDA ITEMS – for discussion/decisions
10a. Accounts and Finance
a) To approve the payments of accounts
b) To further consider the options for the finance software package
c) To consider the use of a Parish Council debit card so that Councillors and Employees do not need to use their own cards for purchases
d) To consider the request from Roseland Festival Committee for sponsorship of two free of charge sessions in the Millennium Rooms

10b. Finance Committee
To consider the recommendations from the Finance Committee meeting held on 28th February 2013
11a. Planning
a) To consider matters arising from the Planning Committee meetings
b) To consider Planning Applications received from Cornwall Council
c) To note the decisions of the Planning Authority
d) To note Enforcements
e) To consider planning correspondence
f) To consider the removal of the damaged Beech Tree and the Mimosa bush on Bohella Bank

11b. Roseland Neighbourhood Development Plan
a) To consider the final draft of the Steering Group Terms of Reference
b) To consider requests to become a member of the Steering Group

12a. Proposed Housing Development at St Just in Roseland
To consider updates on the proposed development behind the Bowling Green, St Just in Roseland

12b. Affordable Housing Local Needs Register
To further consider the housing needs of the parish of St Just in Roseland

13. Millennium Rooms Management Committee

14. Car Park
a) To consider the monthly income
b) To consider the additional information requested from the St Mawes Triathlon organizer regarding the schedule of the day and safety measures to be held on 22nd September 2013
c) To consider the additional information requested from the Mermaid Midnight Walk organizer
d) To consider a request from Idle Rocks Hotel for parking permits for guests
e) To consider the amendments to the car park signage
f) To consider the quotation from DA Giles Ltd for the relining of the St Mawes Car Park
g) To consider the quotation from DA Giles Ltd to form a French Style soakaway in St Just Car Park

15 Public Toilets
a) To further consider the future financing of St Just Church Public Conveniences
b) To consider the future funding of the St Mawes Public Conveniences

16. Public Footpath around the Football Field
To further consider making a safe public footpath around the Football Field in Upper Castle Road

17. Lighting to front of Harbour View, St Just in Roseland
To further consider additional lighting in area to the front of Harbour View. St Just

18. Zebra crossing St Just Square
To further consider the installation of a Zebra crossing outside St Just Lane Car Park

19. Parish Council Elections in May 2013
To consider preparations for the Parish Council Elections

20. Correspondence (information only)

21. Staffing Matters
To consider recommendations from the Personnel Committee Meeting held on 11th February 2013

22. Agenda items for the next Parish Council meeting

23. Date of next meeting

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