7th May 2013
To all Members of the Council
Dear Sir or Madam,
I hereby give you notice that the Meeting of the ANNUAL MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL of the above Parish will be held at Parish Millennium Rooms, St Mawes on Monday, 13th May 2013 immediately following the Annual Parish Meeting
All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted as set out hereunder.
Residents of the Parish are invited to attend and listen to proceedings.
Yours faithfully
Shirley Penhaligon
Clerk to the Council
1. Election of Chairman
2. To accept apologies for absence
3. Election of Vice Chairman
4. Election of Committee Representatives
5. Declaration of Interest
a) Disclosable Pecuniary Interest
b) Non-registerable Interest
c) Of gifts to the value of more than ÂŁ25
d) To consider the requests for dispensations on items on the agenda
6. Public Participation
Members of the public may address Councillors on any item for a maximum of 15 minutes and for no longer than 5 minutes per person.
7. To confirm the minutes of the Meeting held on Monday, 8th April 2013
8. Matters arising from the Minutes not on the Agenda – for report only
a) Parking problems on Marine Parade and Lower Castle Road
9. Report from the Clerk
10. Report from Devon and Cornwall Constabulary
11. Report from Cornwall Councillor
12. Report from Councillors as representatives of other Committee
AGENDA ITEMS – for discussion/decisions
13. Vacancy on the Parish Council
To consider advertising the vacancy for a member to serve on the Parish Council representing St Mawes Ward
14a. Accounts and Finance
a) To approve the payments of accounts
b) To consider the quotation from Roseland Garden Centre for Summer Planting
c) To consider funding the CILCA Course for the Assistant Clerk
d) To consider the request from the Roseland Surgeries Patients Group to help fund defibrillators for the Roseland
e) To consider a request from St Just & St Mawes Heritage Group for sponsorship of its exhibition in October
f) To note that the Cornwall Council Weed Spraying Agency and Local Maintenance Partnership (footpath) Agreements grant funding have been approved and duly signed
14b. Finance Committee
To consider the recommendations from the Finance Committee meeting held on 3rd May 2013
15. Changes to Precedents
a) To consider any amendments to the Financial Regulations adopted 11th June 2012
b) To consider any amendments to the Standing Orders adopted 4th February 2013
16. Planning
a) To consider matters arising from the Planning Committee meeting held on 17th April
b) To consider Planning Applications received from Cornwall Council
c) To note the decisions of the Planning Authority
d) To note Enforcements
e) To consider planning correspondence
17. Roseland Neighbourhood Development Plan
a) To nominate a Councillor to represent the Parish Council on the Roseland Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group
b) To consider community representatives to serve on the Roseland Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group
18a. Affordable Housing Local Needs
To consider setting up a Local Housing Working Group to look into housing needs and related matters
18b. Proposed Housing Developments in St Mawes and St Just in Roseland
a) To consider updates on the proposed development behind the Bowling Green, St Just in Roseland
b) To consider the pre-planning proposal for 29 homes on land situated on Upper Castle Road, St Mawes
c) To note the notification from CSA Architects of the proposal for a combination of residential and affordable housing development and a hotel at Little Newton Farm, St Mawes
19. Millennium Rooms Management Committee (MRMC)
To consider the recommendations from the MRMC meeting held on 9th May 2013
20. Car Park
a) To consider the monthly income
b) To consider the request from The Idle Rocks for reserved parking spaces
c) To further consider the flooding problem in St Just Lane Car Park
21. St Just in Roseland Church Public Conveniences
a) To further consider the future financing of St Just Church Public Conveniences
b) To consider appointing Electricians and Plumbers to undertake repairs
22. Dogs on Beaches
To further consider extending the hours and months that dogs are permitted on Tavern and Summers beaches in St Mawes
23. Lighting to front of Harbour View, St Just in Roseland
To further consider additional lighting in area to the front of Harbour View. St Just
24. Safe crossing in St Just Square
To further consider the installation of a safe crossing outside St Just Lane Car Park
25. Fly tipping at Gibraltar Terrace, St Mawes
To consider the best option for the removal of the fly tipping in the triangle at Gibraltar Terrace and to make good the damage caused.
26. Correspondence (information only)
27. Staffing Matters
To receive a report from the Personnel Committee and for any recommendations from its meeting held on 1st May 2013
28. Agenda items for the next Parish Council meeting
29. Date of next meeting