Minutes of the Meeting of St Just in Roseland Parish Council held on Monday 5th October 2020. The virtual meeting commenced at 7.00pm.
Councillors Present: R Giles (Chairman), H. Aston, A. Chantrill, P Farmiloe, S Goldsmith, R. Hall, P. Salter, P Teague, K Warren and C Williams.
Also present: H. Couch (Clerk), Julian German CC and 5 members of the public
Cllr Giles welcomed everyone to the virtual meeting of St Just in Roseland Parish Council.Â
- To accept apologies for absence – none
Clerk reported that Kate Condon had resigned from her post as Parish Councillor for St Just in Roseland Ward. Due to the timescale of the next election, this post would now stay vacant.
- Declaration of Interest:
- a) Disclosable Pecuniary Interest – None declared
- b) Non-Registerable Interest – None declared
- c) Of gifts to the value of more than ÂŁ25 – None declared
- d) To consider requests for dispensation on items on the agenda – None declared
- Public Participation
There were five members of the public in attendance.
A resident requested answers on two questions about a piece of land by Carrick Pines and Curlews.
- Does the Parish Council agree with the work completed and wish to proceed with the request to Cornwall Council for the area to be a public right of way on the definitive map?
- If yes, who should take the lead Parish Council or resident?
As this was not on the agenda, a decision could not be made. A proposal would need to be discussed at a future meeting. The consequences of making the request may have a permanent detriment to the parishioners. After a short discussion Cllr Goldsmith agreed to discuss options with the resident and to discuss with the other owner of the designated area.
A resident gave his personal thoughts on agenda item 10, Highways and the pre-requested tree preservation order.
- Confirmation of the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 7th September 2020.
The Council RESOLVED, by a show of hands by those who had attended the said meeting, that the minutes of the 7th September 2020 meeting be approved. All in favour and they were duly signed by the Chairman.Â
- Cornwall Councillor Report
Cllr German gave an update about Covid 19 including the two outbreaks in the Tulip Factory at Pool and HMS Raleigh, with a concerning number of positive cases showing no symptoms. It is important to continue to follow all guidance.
Electric Cars and Co-Cars has been discussed at the REACT meeting and this is something that is currently being looked at and may be worth a future agenda item.
Cllr Williams asked for clarification about the Local Enterprise Scheme and Cllr German agreed to send details.Â
- Clerks Report
The report was read out and will be sent out with the notes.Â
- Reports from Councillors as representatives on other committees
Cllr Williams – St Mawes and St Just Heritage Group has been given some interesting old documents from our late Clerk, including an account book for the Parish Council going back to 1890 and school log documents.
Cllr Hall asked a question regarding the change of name of the documents for the St Mawes Recreational Ground and Cllr Williams agreed to investigate and respond.
Cllr Teague – St Just in Roseland Church – reported that Miss V’s has had a great season despite all the restrictions.
- Ratification of decisions
It was resolved to retrospectively approve the decisions made by the Clerk under the agreed delegated powers. Proposed Cllr Salter, Seconded Cllr Williams. All in favour, resolved by a show of hands.Â
STJP-022 | PA20/06348 | Penmark, Polvarth Road, St Mawes | No objection |
STJP-023 | PA20/06501 | Bears Lair, 26 Chapel Terrace, St Mawes | No objection |
STJP-024 | PA20/07120 | Bay View, Polvarth Road, St Mawes | Objection |
STJP-025 | PA20/06660 | High Corner, Place View Road, St Mawes | No objection |
STJP-026 | PA20/06760 & PA20/06761 | Riverside Cottage, Trethem, St Just in Roseland | No objection |
- Correspondence – Noted
- Highways, St Mawes
All Councillors were given an opportunity to give their views and opinions from the information received from both parties and previously in the public participation section which resulted in a lengthy debate.
Standing Orders were suspended to allow the owner to respond to questions.
Standing Orders were resumed.
Cllr Farmiloe proposed that Tree Preservation Orders are not requested for the trees. Cllr Hall seconded. Votes 7 For, 3 Abstained.
Standing Orders were suspended to allow a resident to ask a further question. The owner responded accordingly.
Standing Orders were resumed.
- Planning
The decisions of Planning sub-committee for applications, Local Council Protocol Letters and decisions of Cornwall Council were noted.
The next Planning virtual sub-committee will be on Monday 19th October at 6.00pm.
- Accounts and Finance
- a) The Income and Expenditure for September was agreed. Proposed by Cllr Salter, seconded Cllr Hall. All in favour, by a show of hands.
- b) The car park monthly income for September was noted.
- c) Cllr Hall updated that the accounts were looking healthy in despite of the current climate and that thanks should be given to the Clerk for ensuring that the expenditure was kept low and savings made. Cllr Giles has spoken to a few of the local businesses are the trade has been good in the summer and they are not down on sales.
- Water Fountain/Environment Issues
Cllr Giles recommended that the tap outside the Car Park Office could be converted into a drinking push button water tap easily and requested that this be done.
Cllr Goldsmith reported about activity in REACT. A discussion took place about solar panels on roofs and this may be a way forward for many buildings in the parish.
14.Car Park/ToiletsÂ
Cllr Giles gave a verbal update on the recent site meeting on the 30th September and the Clerk was requested to follow these up.
- To organise a disabled space to be put into the St Just Lane Car Park where the recycling banks have been removed from.
- To request quotes are obtained before November for lineage in both car parks.
- To propose that space 1A (beside the phone box by the arcade) be made into an Emergency Vehicle Space. The current user will be allocated another space.
- Options of what can be done with the area where the recycling banks have been removed in St Mawes Car Park was discussed and will be brought back to a future meeting
- To obtain quotes for a refit of the St Just in Roseland Toilets.
- Highways
Cllr Chantrill has received an email from a concerned resident over the condition of Alberts Lane. After a discussion it was agreed; that the path has been looked at and it is currently not in need of any further work.Â
- Recycling Banks
The Clerk reported that no fly tipping has taken place and that Cornwall Council will continue to monitor for a few more weeks.
- Any other business that the Chairman considers to be of urgency
Cllr Giles reported that unfortunately we need to cancel Carols in the Castle due to current restrictions, Clerk requested to put in the Roseland Magazine. Â
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.28 pm Â
Signed as a true record……………………………………..Chairman Cllr. R Giles
Dated ……………………….