St Just Parish Council Minutes – May 2013

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of St Just in Roseland Parish Council held in the Parish Millennium Rooms, St Mawes on Monday 13th May 2013. The meeting commenced at 7.10pm.
Councillors Present:
The Chairman Cllr. K. Warren, Cllrs. B. Chenoweth, R.E. Giles, P. Farmiloe, P. Teague, R. Hall and C. Williams

Also Present:
S. Penhaligon (Clerk), T van der Wolde (Assistant Clerk), Cornwall Councillor J German, and eight members of the public

1. Election of Chairman
Cllr. Williams proposed that Cllr. Warren be elected as Chairman, seconded by Cllr. Farmiloe. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council. Cllr. Warren accepted the office of Chairman and took the chair.

2. To accept apologies for absence – Cllr. Benney, Cllr. Salter, Cllr. Sadler, James Thomas & Rev. K. Boullier

3. Election of Vice Chairman
Cllr. Farmiloe proposed that Cllr. Giles be elected as Vice Chairman, seconded by Cllr. Chenoweth. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council. Cllr. Giles accepted the office of Vice Chairman.

4. Election of Committee Representatives (Appendix 2)
Amendments to the representatives on committees were put forward as follows:
Car Park Committee: Cllr. Teague
Finance Committee: Cllr. Hall
Millennium Rooms Management Committee: Cllr. Farmiloe and Sadler
Personnel Committee: Cllr Chenoweth stepping down. Cllr. Sadler to stand
Recreational Ground Committee: Cllr Chenoweth
St Mawes Co Partnership: Cllrs Teague and Giles
St Just & St Mawes Heritage Group: Cllr. Farmiloe
The other vacancies will be filled in due course.

Cllr. Giles proposed that all committee representatives be elected as stands. Seconded by Cllr. Warren. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

5. Declaration of Interest:
a) Disclosable Pecuniary Interest– item 14e – Cllrs. Williams and Teague.
b) Non-Registerable Interest – none declared
c) Of gifts to the value of more than £25 – none declared
d) To consider requests for dispensation on items on the agenda
Requests for dispensations were received and granted as follows:
Cllr. P Farmiloe St Mawes & St Just Heritage Group – 1 year
Cllr. C. Williams – Just & St Mawes Heritage Group – 4 years
Cllr. P. Teague – St Just & St Mawes Heritage Group – 4 years
Cllr. K. Warren – St Just in Roseland Institute – 4 years
Cllr. P. Teague – St Just in Roseland Institute – 4 years

6. Open Period – Public Participation
Josie Simcox, Manager of the Idle Rocks Hotel requested 10 parking spaces so that the Hotel can run a concierge service and confirmed that Idle Rocks Hotel is offering to pay £500 per space per year.

Richard Baylis reiterated the importance of a Parish Councillor being on the St Mawes School Governing Board. He spoke about a recent meeting the school had with Highways and Cllr. German regarding speeding, from which there is discussion around signage to slow down drivers by the school. The PTA will be raising money to help pay for the signs. Richard Baylis asked what the Christmas Market committee have donated to local community groups with the profits from the Christmas Market. Mrs Pridmore, St Just and St Mawes
Playgroup said that she believed each playgroup in the Roseland received £50. Cllr. Chenoweth will request a full update from Marianne Evans.

7. Confirmation of the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 8th April 2013
The Council RESOLVED, by a show of hands by Councillors who had attended the said meeting, that the previously circulated minutes be approved and they were duly signed by the Chairman.

8. Matters arising from the Minutes not on the Agenda –
a) Parking problems on Marine Parade and Lower Castle Road
It has been confirmed that the traffic order for double yellow lines has been submitted to Cornwall Council with Gerrans Parish Council. Regarding the obstruction from vehicles parked on Lower Castle Road, PC Neil Duckworth has confirmed that this is a police matter, and, as it is not deemed as an emergency, the number to call is 101.

9. Report from the Clerk
The Clerk asked for the completed Register of Interest Forms to be submitted to her at that meeting. Also that any dispensation requests for renewal or associated with new committee representatives are completed. The Clerk circulated CALC training and events for 2013 and asked councillors to let her know which ones they wished to attend as soon as possible.

10. Report from Devon and Cornwall Constabulary
No report has been received. An email was received 19th April regarding Marine Crime Awareness.

11. Report from Cornwall Cllr. German
The Parish Council congratulated Cllr. German on his recent re-election as the Cornwall Council representative for the Roseland. Cllr. German thanked everyone for their support. He gave an update on the disruption caused to the local bus service due to the recent major fire at the Western Greyhound Bus Depot.

12. Report from Councillors as representatives of other Committees
Cllr. Teague reported that the St Just and St Mawes Heritage Group held an event in April aimed at recording memories of families of farmers. Former pupils of St Just School attended including an evacuee.
The history and memories captured will be an aspect of its exhibition at this years’ Roseland Festival.

The Chairman asked that the standing orders were suspended to bring forward item 20b. All in favour.

20b. To consider the request from Idle Rocks Hotel for reserved parking spaces
The Idle Rocks Hotel has requested 10 car parking spaces to be used by their guests. The location of these spaces will be by the recycling bins, as these spaces are not often used apart from when the car park is at its full capacity in the summer school holidays. Consideration was given to the fact that more income would be generated by leasing the spaces to Idle Rocks Hotel, and it would help the economy of local businesses, in particular the Idle Rocks Hotel. Some members were concerned that leasing spaces to the Idle Rocks Hotel would set precedence, and the Car Park does not have the capacity to lease more spaces should there be further requests. Cllr. Williams proposed that the Parish Council agree in principle to lease the 10 spaces at the top of the car park to Idle Rocks Hotel subject to a lease agreement drawn up by the Car Park Committee and the Idle Rocks Hotel. Seconded by Cllr. Farmiloe. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

It was agreed that all items associated with Car Park to be bought forward.

20. Car Park
a) To consider monthly income
Pay & Display Pay & Display Permits Permits Total Monthly Cumulative Monthly Cumulative Cumulative
Apr 12 13,859.95 11,763.90 25,623.85
Apr 13 10,709.25 12,844.80 23,554.05
April 2013 comparable with April 2012
Up 1080.90
Down -3150.70 -2069.80
20c. To further consider the flooding problem in St Just Lane Car Park
It was agreed that this item will be discussed at the Car Park Committee meeting and recommendations from this will be bought forward to Parish Council.

Standing Orders were resumed.

13. Vacancy on Parish Council
To consider advertising the vacancy for a member to serve on the Parish Council representing St Mawes Ward.
It was agreed that advert for the vacancy would be placed in the June Roseland Magazine for co-option at the 1st July Parish Council meeting.

14a. Accounts and Finance
a) To approve the payments of accounts (Appendix 1)
The Council were asked to approve the following payments:
Total cheques numbered 6063 to 6071 approved and signed at meeting £3,594.27
Total cheques numbered 6055 to 6062 paid since last meeting were ratified £4,635.98
Direct Debits/ Standing Orders shown as paid in April £ 6,557.60
Income shown as received during April £40,726.03

Approval of the payments of accounts proposed by Cllr. Giles. Seconded by Cllr. Farmiloe. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

14b. To consider the quotation from Roseland Garden Centre for Summer Planting
Cllr. Giles proposed that the quotation of £630 net which is the same as last year be approved, seconded by Cllr. Chenoweth. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council

14c. To consider funding the Certificate in Local Council Administration Course for the Assistant Clerk
Cllr. Chenoweth proposed that the Parish Council funds the CILCA course at a net cost of £375 for the Assistant Clerk, seconded by Cllr. Williams. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

14d. To consider the request from the Roseland Surgeries Patients Group to help fund defibrillators for the Roseland
The spokesperson for the Roseland Surgeries Patients Group has requested funding towards defibrillators at a cost £1000 each, stating that it is the intention to have 14 in the Roseland. Cllr. Giles proposed that the Parish Council donate £1000 to pay for a defibrillator to be sited in this parish, seconded by Cllr. Warren. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

14e. To consider a request from St Just and St Mawes Heritage Group for sponsorship of its exhibition in October.
Cllr. Warren proposed that the Parish Council sponsor the exhibition by means of a week’s free rental of the Millennium Rooms at a cost of £144, seconded by Cllr. Chenoweth. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

14f. To note that the Cornwall Council Weed Spraying Agency and Local Maintenance Partnership (footpath) Agreements grant funding have been approved and duly signed
The Clerk advised that the agreed funding for Weed spraying was £1046.95 and the Local Maintenance Partnership was £859.00.

The Clerk asked that it be noted that new signatories are required for signing Parish Council cheques due to the recent changes of Councillors.

14b. Finance Committee
To consider the recommendations from the Finance Committee meeting held on 3rd May 2013 (Appendix 3)
Cllr. Warren proposed that the Parish Council approve the following recommendations from the Finance Committee:
Item 6.
a) The Income & Expenditure for year ended 31st March 2013
b) The Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2013
c) The Supporting Statement for year ended 31st March 2013
d) The Fixed Assets for year ended 31st March 2013
e) The Parish Council’s Risk Management as at 31st March 2013

That the Parish Council approves previously circulated documents a,b,c,d and e for submission to the Internal Auditor. Seconded by Cllr. Giles. All in Favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

Item 7a) That the Parish Council takes advantage of a 5{c8c3b3d140ed11cb7662417ff7b2dc686ffa9c2daf0848ac14f76e68f36d0c20} discount offered by AON Insurance on the premium stated of £2,017.05 if the policy is taken out for the next three years. Seconded by Cllr. Williams. 5 votes for with 2 abstentions. RESOLVED by the Council.

Item 7b) That the Parish Council approves a grant of £606.48 to St Just Institute in respect of insurance including the Playing Field. Seconded by Cllr. Farmiloe. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

It was noted that an emergency situation had occurred when the computer in the RVC broken and was not repairable The Finance Committee agreed that a new upgraded computer be purchased for the Clerk’s office and the current one be installed in the RVC.

15. Changes to Precedents
a) To consider any amendments to the Financial Regulations adopted 11th June 2012
Cllr. Giles proposed that item no. 6.5 is amended to read ‘The Council will maintain a cash float of £30 in the Clerk’s office for payments of postage and minor stationery items which will be replenished at least monthly’. Seconded by Cllr. Warren. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

b) To consider any amendments to the Standing Orders adopted 4th February 2013
Cllr. Warren proposed that no changes are made as the Standing Orders were only adopted on 4th February this year, seconded by Cllr. Chenoweth. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

16. Planning

a) To consider the meetings of the Planning Committee (Appendix 4)
A meeting was held on 17th April. It was agreed to object to planning application PA13/01541 16 Tredenham Road in its current format & requested a condition be put on for a planting scheme to screen the frontage of the property. It was agreed to object to the proposed works at Ranch House, as it is an overdevelopment and presents safety issues to school opposite. A response to the Cornwall Local Plan Consultation was discussed and agreed. The proposal for 29 homes at land near Halwartha was discussed, it was agreed the land was unsuitable for local needs housing as is too far out of the village, and 29 homes were too many dwellings for the site which would cause an appearance of a separate village or hamlet. There are also legal constraints that may prevent development. A letter from the Clerks office was sent to the developer expressing these views.

b) The Council considered the following planning applications:
1. PA13/02333 Halwartha, Upper Castle Road, St Mawes. Conversion of attached garage to bedroom with en suite. Reviewed by Cllrs. Salter, Farmiloe, Giles. Objection unless condition is made to turn existing log store into garage to prevent loss of an amenity.

2. PA13/02793 31 Lower Castle Road, St Mawes. Conservation Area consent for demolition of existing garden room and residential annexe and construction of new garden room and residential annexe. Reviewed by Cllrs. Salter, Farmiloe & Giles. It was agreed to further consider this planning application at Planning Committee Meeting.
3. PA13/03350 Land adj Jasmine Cottage, St Just in Roseland. Erection of detached dwelling and formation of access from the highway. Erection of detached dwelling and formation of access from the highway. Reviewed by Cllrs. Warren, Giles, Chenoweth. It was agreed to discuss this at the planning committee meeting.

c) To note the decisions of the Planning Authority –
PA13/01787 8 Harbour View, St Just in Roseland. Erection of a two storey extension including porch. Approved.

PA13/01976 Land adjacent sewage works, Upper Castle Rd, St Mawes. To erect storage sheds for use on allotment site. Approved.

PA13/02349 Tredenham Rd, St Mawes, 25{c8c3b3d140ed11cb7662417ff7b2dc686ffa9c2daf0848ac14f76e68f36d0c20} crown reduction to 5 Monterey pine. Decided not to make a TPO.

PA13/01789 Lowena, 2 Carrick Way, St Mawes. Erection of ground and first floor extensions & alterations including a balcony and roof terrace. Approved.

PA13/02360 Bohella Bank, The Square, St Mawes. Felling of Beech tree. Decided not to make a TPO. Suggestion to plant another Beech Tree or a Yew Tree

PA12/05569 Ranch House, Grove Hill, St Mawes. Demolition of existing garage, erection of new two-storey dwelling and associated landscaping. Withdrawn.

PA13/02333 Halwartha, Upper Castle Road, St Mawes. Conversion of attached garage to bedroom with en suite. Approved. (the applicant amended proposal so that the existing log store is made into a garage).

d) Enforcements
Ongoing – EN13/00674 Development allegedly has not been built in accordance with the approved plans. Lowena, 2 Carrick Way, St Mawes.

Closed – EN13/00804 Siting of a caravan for residential purposes. Newton Farm Newton Road St Mawes.

e) To consider planning correspondence

16 Tredenham Road, St Mawes
1st & 8th May. Emails from Sarah Dyke, Development Officer. Changes have been made to application so that there is less glazing, and no balconies. It was agreed a planning condition be put on for a planting scheme. The Parish Council’s views were sought as to whether they still hold an objection and will agree to disagree. Parish Council did not object to the proposed works.

31 Lower Castle Road, St Mawes
Copies of letters of objection to 31 Lower Castle Road received from:
D Hubbard, St Mawes & St Just Society, Mr & Mrs W Elliott, David Bucknell, Louise Walker (Tresanton), Yvonne Fuller, S Dring and Baroness Wilcox

Ola’s Cottage, Trelawney Road
10th May email from Diane Boardman, Planning Officer recommended approval and has given Parish Council five days to determine whether to take the application to Planning Committee.
13th May email from D Hubbard, St Mawes & St Just Society objection to Ola’s Cottage

Commander Martin’s Corner, Tredenham Road
25 {c8c3b3d140ed11cb7662417ff7b2dc686ffa9c2daf0848ac14f76e68f36d0c20} Crown reduction to 5 Monterey Pines – all work granted in accordance with good arbicultural practice as specified by BS39998 (recommendations for Tree Work) 2010

17. Roseland Neighbourhood Development Plan
a) To nominate a Councillor to represent the Parish Council on the Steering Group
It was agreed that two councillors would share the role. Cllr. Warren proposed that Cllr. Williams and Cllr. Chenoweth represent the Parish Council on the steering group, seconded by Cllr. Hall. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

b) To consider community representatives to serve on the Roseland Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group.
Cllr. Warren proposed that David Hubbard and Brian Willis serve as community representatives on the steering group, seconded by Cllr. Farmiloe. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

18a. Affordable Housing Local Needs
To consider setting up a Local Housing Working Group to look into housing needs and related matters.
It was agreed to defer this item to the next Parish Council Meeting.

18b. Proposed Housing Developments in St Mawes and St Just in Roseland
a) To consider updates on the proposed development behind the Bowling Green, St Just in Roseland
There were no updates to report.

b) To consider the pre-planning proposal for 29 homes on land situated on Upper Castle Road, St Mawes.
The Clerk circulated a map from Nick Marsden Affordable Housing Officer, which showed the constraints to the site, highlighted when Cornwall Council reviewed possible sites in the Parish for development almost two years ago. The Parish Council has written to the developer explaining the reasons why it considered the site to be unsuitable.

c) To note the notification from CSA Architects of the proposal for a combination of residential and affordable housing development and a hotel at Little Newton Farm, St Mawes.
CSA Architects informed the Parish Council that they are acting for clients to bring forward a planning application on the 8.5 acres of land alongside Little Newton Farm. The proposal for a development of 40 -50 houses and a hotel is in its early stages.

19. Millennium Rooms Management Committee
To consider the recommendations from the MRMC meeting held on 9th May 2013
Cllr. Williams proposed that an advert for an assistant manager for the Roseland Visitor Centre be advertised in the Roseland Magazine June edition on the same terms as the previous post holder, on a one year contract in the first instance, with the option of continuing. Seconded by Cllr. Chenoweth. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

21. St Just in Roseland Church Public Conveniences
a) To further consider the financing of St Just Church Public Conveniences
The Clerk has written to Revd. K Boullier requesting the Church’s confirmation of the views of the Diocesan Registrar on a number of legal issues associated with the lease (s) between the Diocese and the owners of The Old Rectory.

b) To consider appointing Electricians and Plumbers to undertake repairs
Cllr. Giles proposed Charles Pridmore and Chris Rogers who currently carry out electrical and plumbing repairs for the Parish Council, seconded by Cllr. Warren. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

22. Dogs on Beaches
To further consider extending the hours and months that dogs are permitted on Tavern and Summers beaches in St Mawes.
Phil Browning, Cornwall Council Environmental Crime Enforcement Officer has advised the Parish Council that the approximate cost of a Dog Control Order needed to alter the times of the current bylaw is £1,000, mainly due to advertising costs and there will also be the cost of new signs. He said he was happy to train staff on issuing fixed penalty notices. It was agreed to invite Phil Browing to talk at the next Roseland Cluster Meeting.

23. Lighting to front of Harbour View, St Just in Roseland
To further consider the need for additional lighting in area to the front of the Harbour View, St Just
A meeting was held with Dave Hendry of Cornwall Council, it was suggested that a new lantern be installed on the Western Power Distribution pole situated outside 2 Harbour View. The Clerks office is currently waiting for a quotation from SSE Lighting Services.

24. Safe crossing St Just Square
To further consider the installation of a safe crossing outside St Just Lane Car Park
Ben Dickinson, Cormac Highways Manager is currently running proposals for a safe crossing past the Highways Safety Officer and will report back the advice given.

25. Fly tipping at Gilbraltar Terrace, St Mawes
To consider the best option for the removal of the fly tipping in the triangle at Gilbraltar Terrace and to make good the damage caused.
The Clerk has been informed of the person responsible for the fly tipping at Gibraltar Terrace, and that she had advised them that an invoice will be sent to them for the works to clear the fly tipping and right damage. Cllr. Williams proposed that Luke Dunstone cuts the hedges on the site and Conrad Birnie removes the fly tipping. Seconded by Cllr. Hall. All in favour. RESOLVED by the Council.

26. Correspondence (information only)

27. Staffing matters.
To receive a report from the Personnel Committee
There were no recommendations. The minutes will be circulated at the next Parish Meeting.

23. Agenda items for the next Parish Council meeting
Beech Tree at Bohella Bank

24. Date of next meeting – The next general meetings of the Parish Council will be held on Monday 3rd June 2013 at 7pm in the Parish Millennium Rooms, St Mawes.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 10.10 pm

Signed as a true record………………………………………..Chairman


Dates of the Parish Council Meetings 2013/14:
All meetings are held in the Parish Millennium Rooms St Mawes commencing at 7pm, unless advised otherwise.

Monday 3rd June 2013
Monday 1st July 2013
Monday 5th August 2013
Monday 2nd September 2013
Monday 7th October 2013
Monday 4th November 2013
Monday 2nd December 2013
Monday 6th January 2014
Monday 3rd February 2014
Monday 3rd March 2014
Monday 7th April 2014
Monday 12th May 2014

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