Mevagissey Parish Council – 20 May: Agenda


To all members of the Parish Council

Dear Councillor,



You are summoned to attend the next meeting.

It will be held at the Jubilee Hall on Thursday 20 May 2021 starting at 7pm (to follow the Annual Parish Meeting and the Council’s Annual General Meeting).

The order of business is given below (note that all planning matters will be dealt with at a separate meeting).

Yours faithfully

PJ Howson

Clerk to the Council


  1. To receive Apologies.
  1. To receive Declarations of Interest and Gifts.
  1. Presentation by Pat Smith of Charlestown Chums (introduced by Cllr. Facey).
  1. Public participation.
  1. To accept the minutes of the meeting held on 15 April 2021.
  1. To accept the minutes of the planning meeting held on 16 April 2021.
  1. To receive the Clerk’s report.
  1. To receive the Ward Member’s report.
  1. To approve the monthly finances.
Bills to Pay Salaries £ 1,000.00
HMRC (PAYE) £ 250.00
West Wharf PC water 03/03/21 – 01/04/21 £ 128.51
Attendants at West Wharf PC 27/04/21 – 01/05/21 £ 200.00
SWCP first cut £ 325.78
Attendants at West Wharf PC 01/05/21 – 07/05/21 £ 280.00
West Wharf PC water 02/04/21 – 05/05/21 £ 250.50
West Wharf PC electricity 02/04/21 – 01/05/21 £ 25.83
Attendants at West Wharf PC 09/05/21 – 15/05/21 £ 280.00
Valley Rd PC electricity 02/04/21 – 01/05/21 £ 23.82
Pre-opening works to Valley Rd PC £ 580.00
April waste collections from West Wharf PC £ 91.44
April recycling bank collections £ 598.50
Operate West Wharf PC May 2021 £ 1,111.20
Computing costs (MS-Office annual subscription) £ 79.99
West Wharf PC hygiene services 08/06/21 – 07/09/21 £ 344.67
Annual insurance £ 1,053.03
Fit new locks and hinges at West Wharf PC £ 163.30
TOTAL £ 6,786.57
Accounts Amount available to spend as of last meeting £ 86,221.57
Expenditure last month £ 6,169.75
   plus Valley Road PC electricity  02/03/21 – 01/04/21 £ 27.45
   West Wharf PC electricity 02/03/21 – 01/04/21 £ 34.44
   Grant towards Tower & Spire printing costs £ 200.00
   Grant to Mevagissey Activity Centre £ 1,750.00
   Grant for football pitch maintenance £ 720.00
Precept and CTS – 1st payment £ 38,240.51
Reclaimed VAT for 2020/21 £ 3,060.34 Received
Available to spend £ 118,620.78
Bank Statements (01/05/2021)
Current Account £ 417.15
Deposit Account £ 118,203.63
TOTAL £ 118,620.78
  1. To approve the 2020/21 Annual Governance Statement.
  1. To approve the 2020/21 Annual Accounting Statements.
  1. To review the delegated authority arrangements set up at the meeting of 19 March 2020.
  1. To receive a report from Cllr. Facey on issues arising from the operation of the public conveniences.
  1. To receive a report from Cllr. Gann on the proposed Community Land Trust and issues related to affordable housing.
  1. To consider housing conditions and needs in Mevagissey (Cllr. Shephard).
  1. To receive a report from Cllr. Whatty on the activities of the Climate Emergency Working Group.
  1. To receive reports from Cllrs. Facey and Gann on waste recycling and disposal.
  1. To review the operation of the Council’s Facebook group (Cllr. Gann).
  1. To consider Polkirt Hill traffic management options (Cllr. Facey).
  1. To consider a request for support from Little Nippers.

21           Date of next (non-planning) meeting: 17 June 2021 (to be held at the Jubilee Hall unless advised otherwise).

NOTE: The meeting will include an opportunity for members of the public to make representations and give evidence on any item appearing on this agenda.  No member of the public may speak for longer than three minutes.  The meeting has been advertised as a public meeting and as such could be recorded by broadcasters, the media or members of the public. 

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