Only 40 miles today….obviously slacking!! Some great pictures! From Killin to Pitlochry. A short stage today, though still managed to climb 2.500 feet. Rode entire length of Loch Tay and then followed...
Oiling the parts other beers do not reach! From Balloch to Killin. A gentle climb out of Balloch then, unless Chris and I take a vow of temperance, a village we’ll probably...
Community News From Tregony Neighbourhood Team. Devon & Cornwall – The 3rd Safest Place In England & Wales To Live The purpose of this news item is to enable both Parish...
Safely through Glasgow, the boys are now enjoying Loch Lomond! From Gretna to Abington. Well the first tub of chamois cream is coming to an end, however fear not I have two! ...
The boys have arrived in Scotland!! From Borwick to Appleby. As you can guess a shorter day, but very welcome. A battle against route, terrain, poor weather conditions and a good deal...
Chips and gravy! They must be getting north! Officially over half way! From Bridgnorth to Nantwich. After a disturbed night in Bridgnorth, live band in bar right below our room, the positive...
Minutes of the Meeting of St Just in Roseland Parish Council held in the Millennium Rooms, St Mawes on Monday 4th September 2017. The meeting commenced at 7.00pm. Councillors Present: Cllr....
Gerrans Parish Council MINUTES of the Meeting of Gerrans Parish Council held on Tuesday 5th September 2017 in the Memorial Hall Annexe NEXT MEETING – Tuesday 3rd October 2017 at 7.30pm in...
Well on their way, the boys seem to have friends everywhere! It is one big social round! Day 7: From Oldbury to Worcester. It was a wet start Friday as we left...
Now firmly out of God’s Own Country, the boys faced what was going to be a tough couple of days! Day 5: From Dulverton to Glastonbury. We had a very hilly start...