Sod’s Law – If It Can Go Wrong – It Will I was a child in London during the War, one of the majority of London children who were not evacuated. Aged...
My worst fears have been realised – I think we are unlikely to get a honey crop this year! It started about 6 weeks ago with a warning email from the National...
Sicario Starring Emily Blunt and Benicio Del Toro, Directed by Denis Villeneuve FBI agent Kate Macer (Blunt) is recruited by government official Matt Graver (Brolin) to join a team, led by mysterious consultant Alejandro (Del...
Zio The Hero by Marc Grimston – Published by Fastprint 2011 and reprinted in 2013 The Baron is an out and out rotter, an old school baddie (boo! hiss!) but he’s no match...
Well-deserved holidays are rightly in the forefront of all your minds at present, so we will keep it short this month, rather than burdening your consciences with gardening jobs. In truth, there...
So where do I start? Shall I take people on a trip along hedgerows? Should I do coast to coast – North to South? Just the basics on what you can eat...
**************************** August Newsletter **************************** for the patients of The Roseland Surgeries Flu Vaccination Campaign 2016 We have secured a very rare opportunity to take delivery of our flu vaccines especially early...
PARISH OF GERRANS NOTICE OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING THE MEMORIAL HALL ANNEXE TUESDAY 2nd August 2016 at 7.30pm All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose...
JUST IN ROSELAND PARISH COUNCIL V.A.T. No. 527 0370 65 The Millennium Rooms, The Square, St Mawes, Truro TR2 5AG telephone: 01326 270799 NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF...
MEVAGISSEY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at the Mevagissey Activity Centre On Thursday 21 July 2016 at 7pm. Present Cllrs. M Roberts (Chairman), T Barron, A...