What an end to a very busy season! I had been spending most of my time since the end of the really warm weather during November melting down combs of ivy honey...
The Grand Seduction – Starring Taylor Kitsch, Brendan Gleeson, Liane Balaban, Directed by Don McKellar A much-needed boost, in the form of a new factory, is promised to the residents of the tiny...
Sallie Eden catches up with locally based author Wayne Hackman It’s 18 months since I interviewed Wayne Hackman, writer, cat-lover and multi-tasker. So, what’s been happening since the publication of his debut...
Gosh another new year already and the policeman look younger still. It all seems to come round quicker than ever and in mid- November with my summer baskets still ok and flowers...
Rising Ground by Philip Marsden – Published by Granta Books 2014Subtitled ‘A Search For The Spirit Of Place’, like Philip’s other work, ‘Rising Ground’ is a serious and well-researched book, this time linking...
Keep It Simple So We All Understand At our last Meeting Gerry gave us a talk on tides and, if you let it, what a complicated subject it can be. Most of...
‘Flash, Bang, Wallop!’ I couldn’t resist it, these lyrics were at the back of my mind after considering one of Bragg’s images, there was something I remember hearing as a kid and...
The making of resolutions, why now? January’s name comes from Janus the patron and protector of doorways, endings and beginnings. This two-faced god looked backward into the old year and forward into...
ST JUST IN ROSELAND PARISH COUNCIL V.A.T. No. 527 0370 65 The Millennium Rooms, The Square, St Mawes, Truro TR2 5AG parishclerk@roselandinfo.com telephone: 01326 270799 NOTICE OF...
PARISH OF GERRANS NOTICE OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING THE MEMORIAL HALL ANNEXE TUESDAY 6th January 2015 at 7.30pm All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose...