How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big: Kind of the Story of My Life by Scott Adams Published by Portfolio, November 2013 This is described as (sort of) Scott...
The Way, Way Back, Starring Liam James, Steve Carell, Toni Collette and Allison Janney directed by Jim Rash. This wonderful coming-of-age story follows 14-year-old Duncan’s summer vacation with his mother, Pam, her...
This has been an unusual winter so far (though the real winter is yet to come, I suspect). The temperatures have been so mild that the bees have been flying almost continuously...
Ugh… That Mud Tastes Horrible! I have written before about the difference between then and now and the skills used by the ‘old timers’ which have long since disappeared. Who now, for...
Star Over Bethlehem and other stories by Agatha Christie Mallowan Published by HarperCollins ebooks and in a hardback facsimile edition, November 2010 Prompted by the recent TV broadcast of the final Poirot...
The Search for Edward Bragg If you’ve visited Portscatho’s Harbour Club in recent years you may have noticed a pair of large canvas prints at the far end of the bar –...
Hello, all, I hope you’ve had a great Christmas and are looking forward to what the new year can bring you. I had some other ideas for this months article, but then...
In this month’s Writers Talking, Sallie Eden chats to Alexandra Sore, Director of English Rose Publishing ( For your reading pleasure, there’s yet more variety creeping into my Writers Talking column –...
You’ve celebrated Christmas, partied-in the New Year, and consumed practically your own weight in rich food and drink. What better way to shed some excess pounds than by taking a long walk...
It has certainly been an interesting bit of weather the last couple of weeks and it has been the turn of the windsurfers to have a bit of festive fun. Anyone visiting...