Roseland Councillor Julian German has been elected as the new Leader of Cornwall Council. Julian, who has been deputy leader since 2017, was voted in by members in a secret ballot after Conservative group leader Councillor Linda Taylor was also nominated for the role.
In his first speech as leader, he told members of the Council “Our priorities support our communities and help them to thrive. So, there are 3 areas that I would like to focus on, which show how we will help our communities: culture, devolution and tackling the climate crisis. We will invest in our culture and heritage, and forge new cultural partnerships to strengthen our communities. We will step up our efforts to achieve devolution. We will endeavour to tackle the climate crisis.”
A Bard of the Cornish Gorsedh, Julian is from a private sector background with an MSc from Edinburgh and a BA Hons from Hull. Julian is a longstanding Cornwall Councillor having served on the Cabinet since 2009 in the following portfolios; Environment, Climate Change and Waste Management, Localism, Sustainability and Devolution, Economy and Culture.