Rosevine Development Opposed by Locals & P.C.

03.03.11:A development in Rosevine is being challenged by the local councillor, the parish council and locals, despite getting a provisional thumbs-up from the planning department. The owners of ‘Little Roseland’ in Rosevine have applied for planning to change the bungalow into a two story development with a larger footprint than currently built. The planning department have provisionally approved its plans, partly based on the neighbouring house of a similar size which was previously granted planning permission. However Councillor Julian German, the Parish Council and a group of locals have opposed its plans.

Councillor German told Roseland Online, “It is really important that we recognise the importance of the Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty [ANOB]. Our environment and landscape have great benefits for our health and well-being and also are the reason why people want to visit us and spend money on the Roseland. It is essential that we protect this, our most important of assets. Development should respect and enhance the AONB, not detract from it.”

Local resident Colin Hastings has registered to speak at the Planning Committee meeting and will be pleading the case for those residents who are opposed to the build. “Our objections are mainly on the grounds of the footprint and the height of the development,” he told us and this was supported by Sue Pring, who said, “What amazed me most [is] that [planners believe that] because the adjacent dwelling was so out of scale, erecting another large residence on the next plot would result in lessening the impact of the first dwelling!”

Agents for the development and the owners declined to comment at this time but the planning meeting will take place on Wednesday 9th March at 5pm in the Council Chamber at New County Hall, Truro and ‘Little Roseland’ is the sixth application to be discussed that evening. The full planning application can be seen by clicking here, and if you have any thoughts or comments you’d like to share on this development, either email us, or contact Julian German under:

Chris Pollard Says: Well “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander” they say. Or how about, “it’s a bit late to shut the door when the horse has bolted.” If people are so outraged by this new planning request I feel they should have kicked up more of a fuss when the huge house next door was built, which I probably would have done had I lived there. As it stands now the planning flood gates are open in Rosevine and the little boy with his finger in the hole of the dike isn’t going to stop it.

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