Even though I had to be out and about in the car, with one trip upcountry, I still thought January’s snow was so beautiful. For just a few days, everything is swept...
I am finally writing these notes in January, but as most of the highlights we noticed out an about on the Roseland came late in the month I hope you will bear...
The season of mists and mellow fruitfulness has been well and truly blown away by the gales of the last few weeks. The seas have been mountainous and have dramatically changed many...
The hedgerows have been laden down with berries of so many different plants. I’ve already mentioned sloes in earlier articles, but the holly this year is also covered with great clusters of...
There is just so much going on around us all the time! This month the returning ducks, waders and gulls have repopulated the creek and coast – much to the apparent disgust...
The season of mists and mellow fruitfulness seems to have come upon us very early this year. Last month I was dodging deer in the rain coming home late at night, this...
The summer started well, with some sunny days, but didn’t it go downhill fast! We have been building a poly tunnel on our allotment, and it has taken so long mainly because...
As I said last month, nature would not be so stupid as to allow the bees to starve by not providing weather conditions, at least at some point, suitable for plants to...
Well, I should have known Nature would not be so stupid as to allow rain and cold weather to continue for so long that the bees would die of starvation through lack...
This is not a good year for honeybees – as if they didn’t already have enough problems with Colony Collapse Disorder, Varroa and neonicotinoid insecticides! The weather has brought very many colonies...