Many of you will have fed your garden and veg plot now only to find that all the nutrients have been washed away in the heavy rains. It’s a tricky business this...
If it is still raining and blowing when you read this then you will understand why I am almost at a loss as to what to suggest your March gardening jobs might...
I had a lovely walk in January across the beach from Carne to Pendower at low tide and in much awaited sunshine. I don’t get down there often enough and feel I...
I bet you have been given, or treated yourself, to some of those brightly flowering house plants that adorn the supermarket shelves at Christmas. You may not have found too many in...
Ash die back was headline news about 12 months ago and is still very much in the news and although we are free from it Cornwall it has marched westwards from Norfolk...
Sometimes I struggle to find a sufficiently interesting subject with which to entertain you. It is particularly difficult in the winter time when we have been experiencing torrential rains and outside work...
I cannot decide whether I love or loathe this time of year. There is that horrible bit when your best loved herbaceous plants that have given joy all through the summer now...
Veryan Show: I am very excited! September 7th, at Veryan Parish Hall and in the School is an open Show so anybody can enter and indeed they do from all over the...
The weather? Wasn’t going to mention it but the hot sunshine after a monsoon winter and cold spring was welcome. Many of the shrubs and trees really have benefitted from the wet...
Flaming June! Well let’s hope so, we are certainly due some better and warmer weather. Pots and containers will be perfectly alright outside now though some of us still need to provide...