It is always good to know that someone is reading the column one writes. You always hope that is the case but unless anybody mentions it then one does not really know....
How I wish for the temperatures last march, one of the warmest march months on record. Now we are heading for the coldest on record, but it has had its advantages. Bare...
It is always good to know that someone is reading the column one writes. You always hope that is the case but unless anybody mentions it then one does not really know....
I try not to get too excited about the weather. It is what it is and I would rather worry about things I can do something about. However it will be apparent...
I was coming out of Veryan the other night and had to stop for a hedgehog to cross the road. Having registered my delight on returning home, my husband tells me the...
My October offerings are always reminiscences of the various village shows. This year ought to be no exception because despite the awful summer weather the entries were still high and many managed...
I seem to have spent much of August at war with pests. More rain and some warm, damp evenings have heralded party time for slugs and snails. They seem to appear from...
August is a tricky month to write an article and, to be sure that I don’t bore you to death, I usually check over what has been written this month over the...
A hotch potch of things to talk about this month as however much we plan ahead June and July always seem to be the months when you have to act now and...