There are signs of autumn all around as leaves turn, daylight shortens, temperatures drop and wild creatures seek to fatten up ready to hibernate, migrate or mark out territory for mates. Already...
The Negotiator Starring Jon Hamm & Rosamund Pike Directed by Brad Anderson Caught in the crossfires of civil war, CIA operatives must send a former U.S. diplomat to negotiate for the life of a...
A Redbird Christmas by Fannie Flagg – Published by Vintage Time to start stockpiling books for those cold A/W evenings or to think about buying gifts for Christmas? Or maybe that’s just me? When...
Stage:10 The British World War 1 Cemetery at Ham to La Crisolles and Noyon 28Kms/2hrs-20 mins/168 metres climbed. Le Manoir de Crisolles – Having reached my Grandfather’s War Cemetery I was given wonderful...
Stage:9 Pois-de-Picardie to The British World War 1 Cemetery at Ham near the banks of The River Somme – 103 Kms/7hrs-5mins/662metres climbed. The sign that I had been aiming for after cycling...
PARISH OF GERRANS NOTICE OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING THE MEMORIAL HALL ANNEXE TUESDAY 2nd OCTOBER 2018 at 7.30pm All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose...
There’s been a definite autumnal feel in the air over the past few weeks and the summer heatwave feels like a distant memory with the crisp mornings we’ve been having. As summer...
The abridged version of the full business case for the proposed merger of Devon & Cornwall Police and Dorset Police is being made available to staff and the public to allow greater...
Stage 8 – Saint Saëns to Pois-de Picardie – 72.2 Kms / 5hrs 7mins / 551 metres climbed Saint Saëns village with its magnificent 13th Century Church. The bells were ringing for...