On Sunday 1st November over one hundred locals filled St Gerrans Church which serves small seaside and country villages on the Roseland Peninsula. The reason for the gathering was to raise funds...
Oil Pulling Rosa Hughes, an inspirational lady who for years now has passed on ideas to improve one’s health holistically but also targets improving breast health. Rosa’s November campaign is the focus...
Sallie Eden talks to writer Vanessa Matthews whose book The Doctor’s Daughter was reviewed in September Firstly, to set the scene: Vanessa moved to Cornwall in 2009, having, coincidentally, attended the same...
What a delightful and unexpected October we have experienced here in Cornwall! Hardly a drop of rain (at time of writing, anyway) and the most balmy daytime temperatures. The only reminders that...
Carmen Zita og døden (the drowned boy) by Karin Fossum – Published in English by Penguin 2015 The latest in the series of Chief Inspector Sejer crime novels by Norwegian writer, Karin Fossum,...
The harvest is in, the clocks turned back an hour and humans keep warm by staying indoors. Outside however, many organisms are preparing to survive the cold season head on, by conserving...
Boys Don’t Knit (In Public) by T S Easton – Published by Hot Key Books in 2014 Ben Fletcher is the teenage son of embarrassing parents. He’s also an accidental and, frankly, hopeless...
I don’t have much to report on my beekeeping activities this month as things have been very quiet. I have been extracting honey, of course, and the bees have been bringing in...
Amy – Documentary of Amy Winehouse by Asif Kapadia Every now and then, the world sees an icon grow out from the most impossible roots. All too tragically, though, the world they grow...
All Adrift at Porthcurnick The other day, following his usual practice, as Colin walked down to the Lookout he scanned the bay to see what was going on. Doing this gives you an idea on...