This month Sallie Eden interviews Sarah Moss, author of “Night Waking” Sarah moved to Cornwall from Iceland in 2010 and lived in Falmouth until a few months ago. She and her family...
Rarely was the weather out of the news during 2012. At the end of the year it could only be hoped that we wouldn’t see a repeat for many years (or should...
In this, the first in an occasional series, Sallie Eden talks to Daniel Richards and Charlotte Bister of ‘Owdyado Theatre With their acting roots firmly planted in Cornwall, Daniel and Charlotte met...
So the summer is sadly over and the long hot days are finished for another year, but still never mind it has been a great summer for a change. By the time...
Essence of Self For those of you who enjoy using your senses & perception to find out more about yourself this article may be especially interesting. It’s about going on a journey...
A month of above-average temperatures and many sunny days is giving our Roseland flora and fauna opportunities to prolong preparation for the winter ahead. If you’re out walking the fields and coastal...
St Jude has passed through and given us a reminder that winter is on the way. Traditionally our boats come out of the water for the winter and when a south westerly...
Things are quietening down now in the apiary. The bees are still bringing in nectar and pollen from the ivy and the asters, which will provide them with their winter stores. Very...
Gerrans Parish Council MINUTES of the Meeting of Gerrans Parish Council held on Tuesday 3rd September 2013 in the Memorial Hall Annexe NEXT MEETING – Tuesday 1st October at 7.30pm in the...
Gerrans Parish Council MINUTES of the Meeting of Gerrans Parish Council held on Tuesday 6th August 2013 in the Memorial Hall Annexe NEXT MEETING – Tuesday 3rd September at 7.30pm in the...